Long Range Imperial

By buckero0, in Army Building

Iden Versio - Overwatch, DLT Rifle

Bossk - Hunter, Targeting Scopes

Stormtroopers - DLT Med Droid x2

Shoretroopers - Extra trooper, T21b, Targeting Scopes x2

Strike Team Snipers - DLT x2

So I've got 84pts left which means I could add the Mortar unit or some other upgrades or maybe even Veers as default commander, or whatever the D1-0 droid costs.

What do you normally put on your Shoretroopers? or Bossk?

Would this be really lame to play or play against?

Currently Veers is sorta, if not absolutely one of the strongest imperial commanders available. Palp and Krennic give him a run for his money, but he was featured in nearly every Imperial LVO list this season. I would recommend, if you decide to cut Iden, to instead put in veers, and maybe for fun give him electro-binoculars. Spotter 3? Gross!

You know what else was featured in every single list? Shore-troopers. Most lists forgot about storm troopers altogether, preferring the range 4 T-21b and the black dice at range 3, as well as the ability to generate more orders off of the mortars. (if you're into the whole order token pass upgrade for 5 points, then go for it. I've never been the biggest fan, a little too cheesy for me) I would consider dropping the stormies with med droids and DLT's for more shore-troopers. They are just so good for their points.

Iden is so far... untested. I like the unit, and I like her points, but I am not familiar enough to provide my opinion with them.

Bossk = very good. Maybe even one of the best operatives available right now, Sabine possibly beating him out. He is extremely efficient at placing suppression, and in addition, he has good command cards to benefit his playstyle.

Strike teams, while no longer a "must-include-to-compete" are still a very strong unit. I would keep them.

Deathtroopers are, in my opinion, worth at least taking one. Keep them safe and use their armament upgrade to give them a nasty bit of suppressive firepower. That seems to be what most imperial lists are built around. If you have the points, they can be pricey. I usually run mine at around 130.

Why don't you take mortars? I mean at 36 points a pop it's well worth it. They are range 4, they are cheap activations, they are suppressive, you can spawn them in the top of a building and let them dominate the whole game.

Personally, triple shore, triple mortar is the absolute backbone of every imperial army I play with.

The extra trooper + targeting scope costs 17 pts. For 19 you can have a medic (that doesn't shoot), for 20, a coms technician (that shoots) + hq uplink (which essentially will give those shores a free aim as well). I'd go for either, not extra trooper + scopes.