Nightmare decks

By rhtm70, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

I read the topic about Nightmare decks on Tales of the Cards and it's great but it stops after the Ring-maker cycle. At the bottom he says that The Hunt for Gollum and Redhorn Gate are the best Nightmare quests to get if you want an experience that kind of "fixes" the older version of the quest without making it too hard. I was wondering if this is still the case after the Ring-maker cycle or are some of the newer ones better?

I guess what I'm wanting is the "easiest" Nightmare deck that makes an older quest even better. For instance, my playgroup was almost ready to run out of the room after we played Druadan Forest which is one of the decks he says is definitely better than the original. Which other later ones would fit this description?

Thanks in advance!

Edited by rhtm70

I didn't see the question in strategy about Nightmare decks and the excellent blog from Darkling Door so that kind of makes my question obsolete. I'll be reading through the Nightmare reports on there!

Have fun. I don't know what are the easiest nightmare,. But they goes up to the dream-chaser cycle actually. Have fun ;-).

With Nightmare here's how I few it(generally speaking)

Mirkwood block- Almost needed to make the quests challenging

Dwaroffdelf- Really improves quests, no insane difficulty yet

Against the Shadow- The nightmare decks GREATLY enhance the big box, as well as a lot of the quests in the block. My vote would probably be here for what to check out.

The only other thing I've played on nightmare is the Hobbit Saga solo.. Yeah I'd avoid that one unless you want a nice long puzzle.