I've been trying to figure out what I want to play at Worlds next month. Haven't really been able to figure anything out too solidly but I'm pretty set on Sabine.
My issue had been that she'd always been the prime target in my list so I though ok R2 is out, so we'll try him and then throw in some AT-RTs to put more threats on the board.
Here's what I've ended up with. I tried a sort of similar version with Luke instead of Leia earlier and I won but just barely. I decided I needed to take Leia so I had more room to beef up the troops.

Sabine Wren [125](150)
The Darksaber [25]
R2-D2 [35](35)
Rebel Troopers [40](48)
R5 Astromech Droid [8]
Rebel Troopers [40](48)
R5 Astromech Droid [8]
Rebel Veterans [48](74)
CM-O93 Trooper [26]
SX-21 Trooper [20]
Rebel Trooper Captain [14]
Offensive Push [4]
Rebel Veterans [48](74)
CM-O93 Trooper [26]
Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) [20](48)
DH-447 Sniper [28]
AT-RT [55](75)
AT-RT Laser Cannon [20]
AT-RT [55](75)
AT-RT Laser Cannon [20]
I had considered putting Electrobinoculars on Leia so she could pass out dodges and aims, but gunna try offensive push instead...
Gunna try this list next week at my local league, and if I end up liking it it'll probably make it into a future battle report video .