I just moved to Canada from the US.
I was thrilled with the customer service we received from FFG in the US, and my local gaming store would always have lots of the new ships when a new wave was released. I also had the option of ordering from FFG's online store, or from Amazon.
However, in Canada... I tried to get a Huge Ship Conversion kit -- it took me two months to find one. I bought my son a C-ROC for Xmas, and it took me until February to actually be able to use my Raider to play with him -- because something that was readily available in the US, couldn't be purchased in Canada unless we wanted to spend $70 on Amazon (and wait several weeks).
I've been trying to get the Hot Shots and Aces pack -- local stores say"Asmodee only sent us a couple and will only tell us that there is no stock left". Amazon is selling if for $65! If I want to get Vonreg -- local stores don't have it -- but I can buy it for $40 on Amazon (with the promise it will ship sometime in the next 3 weeks). The shipping costs to Canada on your online store are prohibitive.
I love this game, my son loves this game. We've spent over $1,000 in the last couple of years to play it. I guess I don't understand why its so hard to make it available to Canadians.