Just for Fun - X-Men Jedi

By Varlie, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

Inspired by Nytwing's post in the Gray Jedi thread...

On 1/11/2020 at 8:20 AM, Nytwyng said:

No, that would be this:


I've toyed around with a Teleport Force Power. This is mainly to torture my players, one of which is about to GM with me playing. When I have time, I plan on working up some other of the X-men Force powers and I welcome anyone who has an interest to help and post here.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1c69p165ilrRNXa2Z4N70hhEnk7V5dp5_ - Teleport Force Power

In case the PDF share fails:

Edited by Varlie

Very interesting. My initial thought was that it kind of negates practically half of the Enhance tree.

But beyond that, I think Feint could be worded better and pissibly retooled.

  1. What action is this? If it depends on your other control upgrades, then that's just far too much dice rolling for one single player's turn. Your other players may get bored.
    1. One roll to generate the pips as a maneuver
    2. X+1 Discipline checks
    3. Then whatever your action is.
  2. Make the teleporter roll the check. That's too many discipline checks to roll (possibly each round)
  3. What difficulty would the the discipline check be?
  4. I would go ahead and make it one target per force pip. What happens if you chose not to spend any pips? Do you still get to disorient one target?
  5. Honestly, this control upgrade could be a tree in-of-itself.

At this point, I'll let others add their 2 credits.

Good points on Feint. I was picturing it as being the character teleports all around the room and not actually attacking anyone but forcing them to try and aim at him as he ports. Maybe a single check against the highest Discipline that the teleporter makes and success means he can spend 1 pip per person to disorient.

One Range upgrade is more than enough.

one thing is Nightcrawler has to have line of sight in the beginning. the ability to teleport to places he couldnt see cam with experience.

Good points. I could add that restriction to the base power and replace one of the range upgrades with Known Locations

3 hours ago, Varlie said:

Good points. I could add that restriction to the base power and replace one of the range upgrades with Known Locations

you could also add one for unknown locations that upgrades the difficulty with the despair meaning you teleported into something

If you really want it to be like Nightcrawler you should remove one of the Strength upgrades, probably the first one. Nightcrawler can't teleport a star fighter (AFAIK), but your PC could with two Strength upgrades.

I would replace it with a Magnitude upgrade to let your character teleport with more than one Silhouette 1 friend or object instead, which Nightcrawler can do. It should still cost two strain per item, because this is a real strain for Nightcrawler.