Played this list in a store tournament over the weekend.
2 x Rogue Squadron Escort - Elusive, FCS, R4
Kullbee Sperado - Contraband Cybernetics, Predator, S-foils
Lt. Blount
I went 2-2 through the tournament, and had a lot of fun flying the list.
Game 1 - vs Holo with proud tradition and 4 Tie/sf with optics
Win. This was a great game. I always forget how sturdy the Tie/sf are and they were tough to take down. Holo started out skirting the engagement passing tokens to the other Ties. There was a lot of back and forth through the game and it wasn't a set match until the very end. He took out Blount early on, and eventually managed to take down an E-wing. Near the end, we both had two ships left - I had a completely undamaged, fully shielded E-wing and Kullbee on a single hull point and he had had one Tie/sf with 1 Hull and Holo with no shields. He managed to eventually take Kullbee out, and it was my E-wing vs two ships. I managed to take out the Tie/sf, and eventually brought Holo down to one hull. He conceded having 1 Hull point left against a fully shielded Ewing. It was a great game and probably my favourite of the day. The Tie/ba is very slippery and moves really well.
Game 2 - vs 2 x Knave Squadron Escorts with R3, Wedge, and AP-5 carrying Leia.
Win. This was another good game. Our lists were similar in the ships we brought to the table, but had differences in the pilot and ship abilities. We started in opposite corners and first turn my E-wings target locked Wedge as he was the heaviest hitter out of the enemy ships. He flew Wedge up the side, held the Ewings back a bit and flew AP-5 along his board edge away from my squad while I sent my Ewings up the other side eventually cutting in towards the center of the table. Kullbee and Blount stayed a little behind the Ewings, closer to center. I'm guessing here, but I think he was hoping to get my Ewings to turn and follow Wedge so his Ewings could come in behind mine. I managed to do a straight 5 with my Ewings, getting them past most of his arcs and into range 1 of AP-5 along his back board edge. Kullbee and Blount didn't make it as far. My Ewings took out AP-5, while Kullbee took a little damage from his Ewings. Wedge completely annihilated Blount. We traded more shots and I took one of his E-wings, he took one of mine. I think the turning point in the game was when I took Wedge out. I claim no skill in this - it was pure luck. I took a range 3 obstructed shot through an asteroid at Wedge - landed 3 hits, and Wedge blanked out. In all honesty, I likely would have lost this game had that not happened. My opponent this game is really good, and flies superbly. He's great at reading opponents and predicting where they are going to go. This was another really great game that was a lot of fun, and feel like I learned some things about movement and placement just playing against him.
Game 3 - vs Luke, Norra (Arc) with Jyn and Jan Ors with Moldy Crow.
Loss. This was an interesting game too, but not as eventful. Norra is just such a tank and so survivable when she manages to tuck in close to an enemy. I definitely underestimated Jan - her ability beefed up a lot of shots from Norra and I had a really hard time pushing damage through because of the tokens she had. My E-wings target locked Luke turn 1 and he flew Luke defensively to the point that he wasn't a threat for most of the game. I mostly ignored him going after the other two, but still had a really hard time pushing damage through. He took out Blount and an Ewing, while I half pointed Norra and Jan. Went to time, losing 90-64. Big takeaways from this game: Turn 1 target locks on a threatening ship can really influence how they fly them. Luke was out range for most of the game because he looped wide and stayed away from my Ewings. I also managed to really surprise him a few times with Kullbee - I know there are stronger Xwings, but he has incredible mobility - being able to close his s-foils, move, boost/barrel roll and then reopen them can put him in some really unpredictable places with range 1 shots. He misses out on taking a focus or lock, but 4 dice are still threatening. I used him to strip tokens while my Ewings followed up with modded shots. It just wasn't quite enough this game, but I like how he flew.
Game 4 - vs Nom Lumb with Dengar, Fenn Rau and two generic Fangs.
Loss. Fangs are my bane. I never seem to do well against them. My dice betrayed me on a few key rolls as well, but I definitely made some early mistakes. Turn 1 target lock on Fenn, which actually worked to keep him out of the game for a lot of it. My opponent even said he flew Fenn "like a coward" to avoid a bad engagement with the Ewings, so he ended up looping all the way around the board before closing in later on for some shots. Nom Lumb with Dengar is potent.... Nom Lumb means that the Dengar ability will always trigger the first time he gets shot. Ping damage is still damage and whittles things down. While my locks on Fenn scared him off initially, I should have switched them out earlier in the game. Instead I opted for boosting/rolling trying to outmaneuver his other fangs, but once I was in position for a shot he was able to keep his fangs at range 1 so I could never get a lock on them. Fangs at range 1 are scary and I was punished for it. It was a good game and my opponent was great. He flew really well and really managed to dismantle my squad ship by ship. He's a really great top player so I was just happy I lasted as long as I did.
Overall, I had a great day. I really liked my list and how it flew. I think I played well and managed to learn a few things from each of my opponents. The one thing I would maybe change out would be Contraband and Predator on Kullbee for Daredevil and R4. I only managed to trigger both predator and contraband once or twice the whole day, and I think having Daredevil on him (with R4 to help with stress clearing) would have made him even more unpredictable and squirrelly. I'll have to test that out. Blount was always the first ship I lost and I think it's because I was keeping him too close. I'd hang him back a little more and let the other ships get close enough to take advantage of his ability more. That said, having him shop at meant my other ships were not taking damage too, so benefits for both.
Edited by Unit34