Anyone else missing command tokens for the Starhawk and Onager ships?
Or did I punch them out and accidentally throw them away?
Anyone else missing command tokens for the Starhawk and Onager ships?
Or did I punch them out and accidentally throw them away?
Absolutely not sarcastic, but mine were present in my Starhawk.
I couldn’t personally afford an Onager, but if the 5 broken open at our game day, all were complete.
All I got in onager was raid tokens. No command tokens.
still waiting for starhawk
Looking at @Crabbok 's unboxing videos, the Onager comes with Raid Tokens and no Command Tokens. He didn't show all the cardboard for the Starhawk, but I didn't see any Command Tokens. The Component List for the Onager doesn't list any Command Tokens (4 Raid Tokens, 5 Tefense Tokens, 4 Targeting Tokens), and neither does the Component List for the Starhawk have any (just 14 Defense Tokens, of which I saw 12).
If the Starhawk does come with Command Tokens they're on the cardboard next to the Ship Token. Maybe someone on a continent with Starhawks can take a picture to confirm?
I did not receive any command tokens with either of the new expansions. I got defense tokens and raid tokens.
Yep, I checked through all my packaging and I'm pretty sure (like...95%) that Command Tokens did NOT come with either my Starhawk or my Onager.
Of course 97% of us don't need the command tokens but this is odd...
I don't either, but I like to make a ziploc bag for every ship I have which includes the ship cards, the speed dial, the defense tokens, the command dials and the command tokens, so that all I have to do is open a bag for each ship I want to run and I have all the items I need.