Hey all,
I have a question about the use of Story Points by players and GMs. The rules state that a Story Point can only be used once per attack- so you cannot gain an upgrade to the die pool and also activate a story point dependent talent like Lucky Strike on the same attack. Fine no problem there.
But what about limits per turn? Can a Magic caster flip a story point to activate Conduit (an active incidental) allowing them to cast as a maneuver and then flip another one to upgrade the die pool of that spell (a maneuver)? What about the action they still have to use this turn? If they cast another spell (or take a different action) can they flip a third story point to upgrade that die pool? Could they also flip a story point to activate a support talent such as Heroic Recovery (an active incidental)?
I didn't see anything in the story point guidelines in the Core book that seemed to define a definitive limit beyond only 1 Story Point per Attack. What do you guys think is reasonable?