Skirmish Struggle

By ImperialOfficer, in Army Building

So we've been playing skirmish more often now in our local area.

At 500 points the republic token sharing and now the republic commander seem miserable.

Rex and clones use recon to get within range 4 on turn 0. Rex hides with a standby and Republic player plays the card where you can increase the range of your attack.

Anywhere you move, they trigger standby because of overwatch, and use fire support.

And because of the captains, they disregard the suppression that was poured on and still activate.

I'm not one to use the word Broken, but this list sucked to play against.

The republic player is one of the best players in our area as well, which doesn't help people going against it.

Any ideas other than just hiding everyone on turn 1? The ability to use the tokens while hiding took out complete units before they could activate.

Could you ellaborate a bit, or post the list of the clon player?

As far as i know, the "Take that, clankers!" Command Card increase the range of weapons, not the range of the Stand By trigger, and to benefit from this increase the unit needs a face up order token and an aim token. This command card allows to put face up order tokens to 2 troopers (i suppose Rex and the fire supporting unit). Scouting party allows Rex and 2 units to move ahead. I suppose his starting activation is Rex using his 2 actions to gain 1 stand by token and 1 aim token, and both units (the one that will stand by and the one fire suppporting) must be at range 1 of Rex for sharing tokens.

I don't know, are you using the 25-33% of elements of terrain, with some of them LoS blocking? You could use some armoured vehicle to trigger the stand by attack.

13 hours ago, ImperialOfficer said:

So we've been playing skirmish more often now in our local area.

At 500 points the republic token sharing and now the republic commander seem miserable.

Rex and clones use recon to get within range 4 on turn 0. Rex hides with a standby and Republic player plays the card where you can increase the range of your attack.

Anywhere you move, they trigger standby because of overwatch, and use fire support.

And because of the captains, they disregard the suppression that was poured on and still activate.

I'm not one to use the word Broken, but this list sucked to play against.

The republic player is one of the best players in our area as well, which doesn't help people going against it.

Any ideas other than just hiding everyone on turn 1? The ability to use the tokens while hiding took out complete units before they could activate.

The clones being able to “pass” a standby token to other units in a chain is a broken mechanic, period. When you can take one standby token that can’t be knocked off and make your whole army unapproachable it completely destroys the game. Even if your not losing you can’t approach them and it’s just no fun.

Clones are extremely easy to deal with currently as long as you follow some basic points.

1. focus on one squad at a time

2. bring a lot of suppression, their captains can ignore suppressed but not panic

3. out activate them. This builds on #1 because if you have more activations, your big guns are going to hit them multiple times without a reaction back

4. Pierce. Pierce ignores red saves, which clones have. Stop defensive rolls and make them take the wounds.

Here is a list that I think would mash some clones back into the genetic soup they came from:

491/500 (6 activations)
- General Veers (80): Aggressive Tactics (10) = 90
- Bossk (115): Hunter (6), Offensive Push (4), Emergency Stims (12) = 137
- 2× Shoretroopers (52): T-21B Trooper (32) = 168
Special Forces:
- 2× Strike Team (20): DLT-19x Sniper (28) = 96

•Maximum Firepower, •Ambush, ••Reptilian Rampage, ••Push, •••Imperial Discipline, •••Coordinated Fire, ••••Standing Orders

You will likely win the bid, which is a big deal. in skirmish, you can choose any of the 4 edges of the board to start from instead of the two long edges of the normal 800 point game. Pick the one that gives the clone player the least amount of cover distance 1 away from their deployment zone. Why distance 1? this is the area they will be shooting from, so the fewer spots to shoot from with cover, the more predictable they become. On the other hand, you need to have good scatter you can hide behind but still shoot from, so find the spots that will give you this. I would focus on getting elimination as the objective and would also recommend trying to get anything but faceoff and dawn.

Shoot to kill and you likely have more shots at far range than they do. This list also can take out most other factions with ease, but watch those droids!

Thanks. I play veers quite a bit, and bossk is one of my favorite pieces in the game. I had just gotten an e-web so I wanted to try it. The list was a little janky because i wanted to play new stuff, but I like the list above.

Thanks for the advice regarding scenarios as well, it makes sense.

You seem to be implying he is taking Standby shots at range 4. Standby activates at range 2, unless a unit has the Overwatch upgrade (or Sentinel Keyword) in whcih case they could spend a standby token if a unit moves, attacks, or takes an action in range 3. Make sure you guys are following the rules for Standby in the RRG.

Also, Captains only allow then to not be Suppressed (lose an action). They can still panic.

Edited by arnoldrew

As it currently stands I think republic are the weakest faction in skirmish. They are very expensive and at only 500 points you really can't fit many activations. Republic play best utilizing fire support and token sharing. Both get better the more units you have.

As for your opponent's list it doesn't sound like they have included Obi-Won? If that is the case they are extremely vulnerable to Jedi and Sith. Luke Skywalker, General Grievous, Palatine, and Vader, or your own Obi-Won can all single handedly destroy most of the enemy army. You have to try and keep them safe as they approach but because of the small board size and objective types in skirmish they should be in range to attack turn 2. Once your jedi is safely in melee combat with the clones you shouldn't have a problem. Remember to use jump/scale so you have use line of sight blocking terrain as cover on the approach.