WEG's Star Wars D6 game was the first RPG I ever played (in primary school!) and longest-running campaign I ever was part of (as GM of the same group and storyline for four years, give or take departing players). While I've played other games, and the later editions added some cool stuff, the original first edition of SWD6 remains my favourite RPG system ever.
Anyway, I just wanted to say a huge thank you to FFG for republishing this and re-igniting interest in the system. Old hands like me likely still own their books (I think I own everything WEG ever made, bar one or two products) and PDFs are easily locatable online, but having the core rules in stores to leaf through and purchase not only keeps the ruleset "alive" but entices others to try it out against other current RPGs.
It's rare that an old game gets a reprint after so long, especially ones with later editions to have their first edition see the light of day again... in the case of SW D6 this is especially awesome because the 1st edition is IMO the best and most unique of all iterations.
So again, thanks to FFG! As fans kept trying to tell Lucas, sometimes the original - without fancy new bells and whistles - is still the best. It's certainly the version I fell in love with a long time ago.