My first outing with Romodi and Onager

By flatpackhamster, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

I played a game last night against my regular opponent. It was 600pts and I brought:

Vic 2, Dominator, Heavy Ion Emplacements, Wulff

Vic 2, Harrow, Projection Experts, Leading shots, Grint

Onager Testbed, Long-range superweapon, Cataclysm

Gozanti Assault Cruiser

Arquitens Light Cruiser, LTT

3 x Decimator

Morna Kee



Against me were:

MC80 Liberty with Raddus, loaded for bear

MC75 Profundity with Enhanced armament, ACM, Ord Experts

Garel's Honour onboard profundity with usual setup

MC30 torpedo frigate

Rebel transports


Rogue Squadron

3 x YT2400

Hera Syndulla

We both had 599pts, tossed a coin and I won and chose 2nd player and picked Volatile deposits.

I deployed my Vics in the centre, my Onager way out on the right and my Arquitens between them. He deployed his 3 ships way over on my left to avoid all the obstacles.

By turn 2 he was tearing around my left flank, some way out of range of my Onager, so I swung my Vics hard to port and on turn 3 the Raddus dropped and the shooting started. I moved Harrow, ended up in the MC75's double arc but at long range of the MC80 and out of attack range of the Hammerhead. It was an absolute range-0 melee which worked really well for Romodi. I lost both my Vics, although they both lasted a turn longer than I thought they would given that they had everything concentrating on them.

At the end of turn 6 I had my Onager, Arquitens and Gozanti and all my Decimators still alive, and I'd picked up 21 objective point tokens. My opponent had just his MC30, Dash and Hera and had 10 tokens so it was a decisive win for me.

Romodi is spectacular if you can position him right. My Gozanti got in the last shot of the game, killing the MC75, because its side blue shot went to 2 x Blue 1 x Red with Romodi (shooting through asteroids) and a CF dial. Arquitens really work well with him.

People don't like Dominator but I don't see why. I was putting 9 dice (6 blue) out of my front arc and it was enough to ruin the MC80. When Dominator finally exploded it had left the MC80 on 1 hull and had stripped the shields off the MC75.

Onager was fun (and tanky). 10 hull means that even if it does get caught, and mine did, by the MC75 and MC30, it can probably get away.

Edited by flatpackhamster
17 hours ago, flatpackhamster said:


Rogue Squadron

3 x YT2400

Hera Syndulla

Interesting. Feels like Han or Lando would have been much better in an all rogue wing.

Edited by The Jabbawookie
1 hour ago, The Jabbawookie said:

Interesting. Feels like Han or Lando would have been much better in an all rogue wing.

Even though his squads went first, it didn't seem to matter. The sheer number of HP the Decimators + Bossk had between them and the damage they dole out meant that I chewed up his squads very fast. It was an expensive fighter wing but it really delivered.