What do I need to play Star Wars Destiny casually like a contained board game?

By PorgHerder, in Star Wars: Destiny

Now that the support for Destiny is ending. What do I need to play Star Wars Destiny casually like a contained board game? I don’t need every card in the game. I just want to play a few times a year with friends.

I picked up one of every starter deck, both draft sets, and the two player starter box. Is this going to be enough content for playing with the full rule set? I assumed so after playing Magic and buying a few of the duel decks, but have since heard people say you can’t play full games with the starter decks unless you buy two of each. I already spent like $100 thinking this was way more than enough stuff, but now I’m a little worried I’ve spent a good amount of money on a lesser experience. Do y’all have any recommendations with how to proceed?

For me, I would just get singles online. I don't like buying boosters for casual play because it often makes decks so unbalanced.

You could consider asking the friends you'd play with to each chip in and buy a booster box, then start with a deck you already have and then each player can pull a couple of booster packs to add to their deck to keep a sense of randomization in the game. I've tried that with a couple of guys who don't play and collect as I do, and the group enjoys it.

11 hours ago, PorgHerder said:

I picked up one of every starter deck, both draft sets, and the two player starter box. Is this going to be enough content for playing with the full rule set? I assumed so after playing Magic and buying a few of the duel decks, but have since heard people say you can’t play full games with the starter decks unless you buy two of each. I already spent like $100 thinking this was way more than enough stuff, but now I’m a little worried I’ve spent a good amount of money on a lesser experience. Do y’all have any recommendations with how to proceed?

You can't play full games with any individual starter unless you have two of each, but you can mix and match them to build full decks. Playing with the latest set will be the only way to experience the full rule set. FFG has made a new keyword or game mechanic pretty much every set. A new mechanic called Piloting appears in the upcoming Covert Missions that has not appeared before.

It really comes down to what you and your friends want to play. If it's just to play the card game, then what you have should be fine. If they want specific characters, then I'd hunt down singles or buy starters for those. If you're somehow a JJ Abrams SW Sequel Trilogy fan, purchase two two-player starters and you have good Kylo/Phasma vs Rey/Poe options. If you're a Clone Wars fan, purchase two Obi and Grievous Starters.

For my money, the best way to play Destiny with a limited card pool is Draft. I would really recommend having a Draft Kit for all your friends and stocking up on Legacies booster boxes (they are only $19.99 on Amazon right now). Draft is really fun and Legacies was a pretty good set, containing the first Yoda and the best Luke.

On 1/31/2020 at 9:59 PM, PorgHerder said:

I picked up one of every starter deck, both draft sets, and the two player starter box. Is this going to be enough content for playing with the full rule set?

Pretty much, yes. Honestly, two copies of the two player starter box works well as a self contained board game. It's limited but works. Alternatively find a small used collection someone is selling off. Then you'll have way too many cards at a price that is less than what you probably already paid.

My son and I have been playing casually since the beginning. We have become comfortable with bending some of the rules to more enjoy the thematic and social aspects of this game. For example using a d-6 to make a character elite if you only own one copy, building a team to 31 points or even experimenting with starting each team with an upgrade or a support. Currently we have 2 decks battling; a Poe Finn deck with 2 crait speeders versus a Kylo Trooper deck with the big seige laser.

I find if one person builds 2 thematic decks, trying to make them equvilant and then allows the opposing player to pick which deck they play, we usually end up with a great time!

Have fun and be willing to bend the rules a bit.

On 2/1/2020 at 4:59 AM, PorgHerder said:

Now that the support for Destiny is ending. What do I need to play Star Wars Destiny casually like a contained board game? I don’t need every card in the game. I just want to play a few times a year with friends.

I picked up one of every starter deck, both draft sets, and the two player starter box. Is this going to be enough content for playing with the full rule set? I assumed so after playing Magic and buying a few of the duel decks, but have since heard people say you can’t play full games with the starter decks unless you buy two of each. I already spent like $100 thinking this was way more than enough stuff, but now I’m a little worried I’ve spent a good amount of money on a lesser experience. Do y’all have any recommendations with how to proceed?

if you're in the UK Magic Madhouse has some booster BOXES on SALE... TAKEMYMONEY! TAKEMYMONEY! That's my tax rebat from 2018 gone :D

Edited by DidntFallAsleep66