I found this

By Grathew, in Star Wars: Armada Fleet Builds

So I don't know when I made this, but I found this list in my list builder. It's interesting if nothing else.

Tagge has charts

Author: Grathew
Faction: Empire
Commander: General Tagge

Assault Objective: Most Wanted
Defense Objective: Jamming Barrier
Navigation Objective: Navigational Hazards

[flagship] Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer (120)

- General Tagge (25)

- Electronic Countermeasures (7)

- Leading Shots (4)

- Damage Control Officer (5)

- Gunnery Team (7)
= 168 points

Raider I-Class Corvette (44)

- External Racks (3)

- Ordnance Experts (4)
= 51 points

Raider I-Class Corvette (44)

- External Racks (3)

- Ordnance Experts (4)
= 51 points

Gozanti-Class Cruisers (23)

- Slicer Tools (7)
= 30 points

Gozanti-Class Cruisers (23)

- Slicer Tools (7)
= 30 points

1 Maarek Stele (21)
3 TIE Defender Squadron (16)
= 69 points

I feel like this list would be in a tough place in the current meta, the 5 activations is good, but the ISD is the only ship with the ability for long range engagements, the Raiders would probably be cannon fodder to SSD and Starhawks, and the squadrons would fold to Sloane in about 2 rounds of combat or get tarballed and most likely killed by Jan, Biggs, and a few Xwings (for a similar price point).

Oh I have no intent of running this, but it could have potential. I'm thinking the plan was deploy at speed 3 and rush to blast anything and everything. But I don't remeber making it so anyone's guess.

Why Navigational Hazards? If you have a large ship and no Interdictor, it doesn't seem like a good objective. Solar Corona seems better so that you can use Tagge's defense tokens multiple times on turn 2.

I think Tagge is good, but he's better with upgrades that benefit him.

For a Slicer Tools Gozanti, I'd go with Tua and ECM on one, rather than going for two Slicer Gozantis. Slicers can be useful sometimes but not always.

ECM on the ISD is good, but even if you use your brace twice on round 2 with your ISD and recover it on round 3, you probably won't save more than three damage (which is what you'd save with Motti). I'm not saying don't use an ISD with Tagge, just keep in mind the main reason for using Tagge is to protect your smalls.
Strategic Adviser or Expert Shield Tech probably makes more sense than DCO on the ISD.

For a Raider I'd recommend Iden Versio. You're probably not going to be discarding a brace on turn 2, but now Tagge can recover an evade. I'm not sure about two Raiders--maybe Corvus on the non-Iden Raider to avoid getting smacked?

You may have to sacrifice your squads a bit to add these upgrades, but maybe just get rid of the squads and go for a bid? Or TIE Interceptors with EHD?