Announcing Mass Mutation! The fourth set!
It's great! Where do i find a list of cards?
Edited by NelfaoI don't think ffg will spoil all the cards in the set right after but you can take a look at the spoiled cards in the article by tapping on the card name
Love the new box art btw
My body is ready!
(really wanting a Sanc/Dino/whatever - probably star alliance so I can have my Dino Knights in Star Trek deck)
We taking bets on what dark aember does?
So Sanctum is back, Brobnar is out.
I've kind of thought that Sanctum and Star Alliance were essentially the same so it will be interesting to see how they flesh them out as different factions. I do gotta say, those boxes look sharp, will likely pick up a deck or two (my new disposition towards new sets lol). Meanwhile my numerous decks of COTA and AoA continue to stare at me, crying silently. 😅
22 hours ago, Simplegarak said:My body is ready!
(really wanting a Sanc/Dino/whatever - probably star alliance so I can have my Dino Knights in Star Trek deck)
We taking bets on what dark aember does?
Maybe lets you combine the two cards to make the giant dino thingy? Or maybe to unforge an opponent's key
13 hours ago, TheSpitfired said:So Sanctum is back, Brobnar is out.
I've kind of thought that Sanctum and Star Alliance were essentially the same so it will be interesting to see how they flesh them out as different factions. I do gotta say, those boxes look sharp, will likely pick up a deck or two (my new disposition towards new sets lol). Meanwhile my numerous decks of COTA and AoA continue to stare at me, crying silently. 😅
Really? I thought Sanctum had the most in common with Saurion. (both run heavy armor, frequently have aember piled on their people, etc)
Well I guess the ambassadors allowed out of house interaction which StAl does, but then Logos is more like StAl since it had phase shift and other cards to allow play/use.
Dark aember? I wonder if anyone at FFG plays CoC? 🤔 😁
Curious to see what the other two-card creatures are.
13 hours ago, Simplegarak said:Really? I thought Sanctum had the most in common with Saurion. (both run heavy armor, frequently have aember piled on their people, etc)
Well I guess the ambassadors allowed out of house interaction which StAl does, but then Logos is more like StAl since it had phase shift and other cards to allow play/use.
That is true, but Saurion's really played with and explored the exalt mechanic, where you are putting aember from the supply on your units for cool abilities, whereas Sanctum and Star League were more about capturing aember directly from your opponents. I thought the bigger brawlers of Star League fell more in line with how Sanctum creatures hit so to speak, whereas Saurion had more of a "untamed + brobnar but with armor" feel.
Granted take my review of World's Collide with a grain of salt, I only ended up with about 6 decks from the set and they were all Christmas gifts. I would not consider myself as immersed in this set as I was with COTA and AoA.
16 hours ago, TheSpitfired said:whereas Sanctum and Star League were more about capturing aember directly from your opponents
Umm... what? I just went and double checked. Star Alliance has 3 cards that capture aember (and 3 that steal). Comparatively, dinos have 6 cards that capture (and a half - I wasn't sure how to count gargantodon's "convert stealing into capturing" text). That's also including the best capture card in the game right now: tribute - which is literally Terms of Redress with a "exalt to repeat" stapled onto it.
Extreme nerdity: The trek capture cards are spread out - 1 each in common, uncommon, and rare. The dinos have 3 at common, 1.5 at uncommon, and 2 at rare.
And since I'm in the mood... for Sanctum:
CotA: 8 capture
AoA: 8 capture (2 reprints)
(and finally, trek has 1 creature at 5 power - sanctum had 13 at 5 or 6 power in CotA)
On 2/5/2020 at 3:32 PM, Simplegarak said:Umm... what? I just went and double checked. Star Alliance has 3 cards that capture aember (and 3 that steal). Comparatively, dinos have 6 cards that capture (and a half - I wasn't sure how to count gargantodon's "convert stealing into capturing" text). That's also including the best capture card in the game right now: tribute - which is literally Terms of Redress with a "exalt to repeat" stapled onto it.
Extreme nerdity: The trek capture cards are spread out - 1 each in common, uncommon, and rare. The dinos have 3 at common, 1.5 at uncommon, and 2 at rare.
And since I'm in the mood... for Sanctum:
CotA: 8 capture
AoA: 8 capture (2 reprints)(and finally, trek has 1 creature at 5 power - sanctum had 13 at 5 or 6 power in CotA)
Thank you, I must say that's quite an analysis for a tailor.
Again, my opinion on Star League was guided based on what I got in the WC decks I have that actually featured Star Alliance. Even now I'm trying to go back in the app and see what else I missed but the app is giving me an error message and not letting me look at the decks.
Here's hoping that when Mass Mutation comes out I can get a few decks and they feature Sanctum/Star Alliance. That would be very interesting and provide a better basis for comparison. Sadly I'm not playing enough anymore to justify purchasing a lot of WC decks and anything close to resembling OP is non-existent at my FLGS.
13 hours ago, TheSpitfired said:Thank you, I must say that's quite an analysis for a tailor.
Again, my opinion on Star League was guided based on what I got in the WC decks I have that actually featured Star Alliance. Even now I'm trying to go back in the app and see what else I missed but the app is giving me an error message and not letting me look at the decks.
Here's hoping that when Mass Mutation comes out I can get a few decks and they feature Sanctum/Star Alliance. That would be very interesting and provide a better basis for comparison. Sadly I'm not playing enough anymore to justify purchasing a lot of WC decks and anything close to resembling OP is non-existent at my FLGS.
Awww. Well let me know if you want to meet up in the crucible. The app's been giving me problems of late as well. I keep hoping they'll add a set filter to it soon.
SO HERE'S A QUESTION FOR THE GROUP. What are your bets on the Gargantuan creatures?
Dino - Already seen.
not-Trek - I'm betting it will actually be their starship "enterprise."
untamed - I think we've already seen it - he's on the box art, a mega king niffle kong.
Dis & Sanctum - probably large demon & angel respectively.
Logos - I'm hoping for a mech, but I'm also wondering if it will be a fully grown project Z.Y.X.
Shadows - Completely stumped on this one. Though I do think given their trends, it'll probably be a whopping 10 power.
Super psyched for Dark Aember. I was talking with a friend a couple months ago and commenting how it would be cool to have different kinds of Aember. I was more thinking Dark Aember as that to forge a key using dark aember you had to destroy a creature or something like that. But I like this.
I would love to see some different kinds of gainable Aember, though. Maybe bleeding Aember?