you paid for this card using a [Spesific] resource

By Hannibal_pjv, in Marvel Champions: The Card Game

What does this means...

a) do you have ro pay the whole price with that spesific resourse

b) there has ro be at least one resource of spesific type when payin the cost.

example cards

for justice: Hero Action (thwart): Remove 3 threat from a scheme (4 threat instead if you paid for this card using a [Mental] resource).

Heroic strike: Hero Action (attack): Deal 6 damage to an enemy. If you paid for this card using a [Physical] resource, stun that enemy.

I’ve taken it to mean (b) because it says “a [type of] resource”, which is singular.

I think if it was (a) it would say, “If you paid for this card using only [type of] resources...”

Also, unless it says “printed [type of] resource” then a Wild resource will fulfil the requirement too.

You only need at least one of the relevant resource type to trigger the extra effect.

Thanks! That was my prediction, but sometimes these card games have ambivalent wording...

Wanted to check out what is the general opinion in this case.