Fortified Positions Question

By Kahlessthedude, in X-Wing Epic Play

I did a search and didn't see any answer. For the Epic Fortified Positions mission, does the defending player pick 1 satellite/turret to put an asset marker on or does the 1 asset marker get placed on each satellite/turret? I think it is just one, but wanted to make sure. The defending player can load up one satellite/turret with multiple asset markers by the sounds of it. Also, they only time the attacking players get to chose is the very first asset markers placement during the setup?

Just looked at the scenario. That sounds about right: attacking player chooses a satellite to receive a priority asset marker, then at the end of every round the defending player places a priority asset marker on a satellite OR turret. I agree that it looks like the turrets/satellites can have multiple priority asset markers as they accrue over several rounds.

On 1/24/2020 at 9:38 AM, Kahlessthedude said:

I did a search and didn't see any answer. For the Epic Fortified Positions mission, does the defending player pick 1 satellite/turret to put an asset marker on or does the 1 asset marker get placed on each satellite/turret? I think it is just one, but wanted to make sure. The defending player can load up one satellite/turret with multiple asset markers by the sounds of it. Also, they only time the attacking players get to chose is the very first asset markers placement during the setup?

Hmmm....I have looked at the scenario and looked at the FAQ for Epic and do not see it addressed.

If it were me? I would say you cannot place more than 1 VP token on a satellite. It would be really one sided if the Defender was able to pile all the VP tokens on some far away remote that would take the Attackers so long just to get there.

Tractoring the Remotes is an interesting idea though to pull them closer.....