Han + Chewie + Jyn Action Economy List

By Pod720, in Army Building

Hey all!

Looking for some constructive feedback regarding the list below (strategy to follow):

Jyn Han Chewy (798/800)

Han Solo (120)

Jyn Erso (110)
- A-180 Pistol Config (0)
- Strict Orders (5)
- Recon Intel (2)
- Duck and Cover (4)
= 121 total points

Chewbacca (95)

Rebel Troopers (40)

Rebel Troopers (40)

Rebel Troopers (40)

Rebel Pathfinders (68)
- A-300 Short Range Config (0)
- Recon Intel (2)
- Pao (22)
- Duck and Cover (4)
= 96 total points

Rebel Commandos Strike Team (20)
- DH-447 Sniper (28)
= 48 total points

Rebel Commandos Strike Team (20)
- DH-447 Sniper (28)
= 48 total points

AT-RT (55)
- AT-RT Flame Thrower (20)
= 75 total points

AT-RT (55)
- AT-RT Flame Thrower (20)
= 75 total points

Commands: Sorry About The Mess, Rebellious, Trust Goes Both Ways, Reckless Diversion, Complete the Mission, Notorious Scoundrels, Standing Orders

There are a few things going on with this one.

Firstly there is the combination of Han+Chewie+Jyn. Using Sorry About The Mess gives Han and Chewie aim and dodge tokens. Also using Trust Goes Both Ways with Han or Chewie gives all 3 aim and dodge tokens for the cost of one action. This means 3 turns of multiple free tokens due to the inclusion of Notorious Scoundrels.

Next there is the game plan of distracting and pinning down units in weak positions with the Pathfinder unit + Jyn. This list has 11 activations to hopefully get the last deployment to get these units where you want them. Complete The Mission is a good opening command card for this as it protects Jyn slightly and preloads some stress on Jyn + Pathfinders.

With the early pressure of Jyn + Pathfinders the list follows up with delivering the 2 Flamethrower AT-RTs using Reckless Diversion.

Any constructive feedback is welcome!

Thanks in advance,