Come on out to Kit Kringle, 1520 E Dixie Dr. Asheboro, NC 27203, for our first ever star wars legion tournament.
Start time is going to be 10:30, shop opens at 10. We will likely do a round then see how folks feel about breaking for lunch or just going on with the event.
1520 E Dixie Dr. Asheboro, NC 27203
Entry fee is 5 dollars. This is to cover the cost of us taking up the shops tables.
there is NO PAINTING REQUIREMENT. I love seeing painted armies, but it is not a requirement for the event. Please feel free to come and play, even if you only have the models assembled.
Please do bring all your dice, widgets and such.
At the moment there is not a prize kit available. So there will be no prizes for the event. If that changes I'll let you know.
I look forward to seeing some great games and having great fun.