Can you build a deck using only the hero cards and basic cards? Or is an aspect required?
Deck building question?
I think that will be possible with more new relise but I seen people talking to play in a future heroes + aspect without basic card, you are the first I read thinking to play only basic, me I hope for a fifth aspect.
The reason I'm asking is because I played a game at my house and I have all the expansions so far. So i had enough cards to build a 5th deck but i at the time I was confused on the limitations. I thought that you could only play one aspect type at a time. So we put together the 5th deck with just basic cards. It wasnt a very strong build but it allowed everyone to play. Just wanted to make sure this wasnt a rule breaker. Also allows for more players to join until we get more aspect cards.
The deckbuilding rules are:
- 40-50 cards
- Must include all hero specific cards
- At most one aspect (nothing prohibiting you from using all basic cards)
- No more than 3 of each card by title
- No more than 1 of each unique card by title
- Other card specific rules must be followed (e.g. Energy is limit one per deck)
Nothing stopping 4 players all using aggression decks if you have the cards, although some diversity in decks is probably advantageous. Also more than 4 players is moving into house rule territory and while in theory the game could expand beyond that using the same scaling rules it may not be as balanced. YMMV.
I am fairly confident in the fact that we will never have a fifth aspect. Boggs mentioned on a live stream once that they initially designed a fifth one -- its color was purple and its name was, if I recall correctly, determination -- but it didn't fit so well and they ended up just spreading its cards among the other four.
I guess they'd have to change designers or drastically alter their design space if they ever did that, but my money is not on it.
Edited by Ascarelthe biggest issue really at this point, if they added a fifth aspect, is the card pool is already significantly behind the others.
Not only would they have to release additional cards for this aspect beyond the "core" quantity, but every future hero pack would now need to have an additional 3 cards in it.
I know 3 doesn't sound like much, but in the total scheme of things its a cost increase which might translate to a cost increase on the price points.
I doubt they will do it.
I would very much like to try an Aspect-less deck but don't want to disassemble any of my existing decks to do it. My plan was "Tony Stark built this in a cave" but my friend's theoretical 'Ms. Marvel only has an allowance to work off of' version amuses me greatly as well.
Even if there was enough design space to warrant a fifth Aspect eventually, there's no specific need for parity in amount of cards for each Aspect since the game is cooperative. As long as there are enough cards to fill a full deck, I'm fine with a fifth Aspect that starts with maybe as many cards as any single other Aspect had in the core set. Heck, they could even do something silly like an April Fool's Day release of Deadpool or Slapstick and tease a new Aspect with the joke being that we actually get that Aspect, albeit in a one-shot fashion.