I finished the second batch of Rebels for my Star Wars Legion Force. Two squads of infantry, another AT-ST walker thingie, and a speeder.
In my continuing attempt to make the squads look different I did a head and arm swap for the leader.
I swapped the leader’s head with the alien in the squad. I also cut down the length of the long coat he was wearing and gave the alien a bandanna. Finally, I swapped the right arm of the leader with the arm of the AT-ST rider, giving the alien a raised rifle.
And the AT-ST rider a pair of binoculars.
I also added bedrolls to both of my walkers to make them a bit more of a ‘campaign’ look.
The speeder was quite a lot of work because I couldn’t just build it straight out of the box. I gave it some weathering and battle damage.
In it’s previous battle it took a direct hit on the passenger side, blowing a hole through the windscreen and the back of the seat and through the poor passenger.
Leaving a nasty blood stain which the Twi’lek missileer quite understandably refuses to sit on.
I also added a rolled up tarp strapped to the engine support. The painted message on the engine reads: “Resist!”.
And I magnetized both of the riders so they can be removed.
As I noted, it was quite a lot of work, but well worth it.