"Set Trigger" disparity

By Khyrith, in Game Masters

Does anyone have an "official" ruling on the disparity between the write-ups of "set trigger" in Fly Casual (p.51) and Gadgets and Gear (p.89).

Both say that the attachment adds 1x Success and 1x Threat to the first attack with that weapon in an encounter.


"Fly Casual" says that the modification (1 only) adds 1x SUCCESS to the base. Making it 2x Success, 1x Threat for that first attack.

"Gadgets and Gear" says that the modification (1 only) adds 1x ADVANTAGE to the base. Essentially wiping out the threat and making it a +1 success to that first attack.

I do not have an official ruling, but I'm pretty sure that the latter is a mistake.

In all other attachments (that I know of), when it adds a Setback or a Threat, there is a mod option to negate that, rather than a mod option that counters it. And since the original profile adds benefit rather than removing/counter negative, I'm doubly sure that the original is the correct profile.