is The post ok to go up? If not, what do I need to change?
Hey there! As you can tell I'm new to the forum and the game! But based on what I've seen, I find myself in a pretty unique position in Legion; my whole army is wookiees!
Luke Skywalker:
Force Reflexes, Force Push
3xRebel Scum with Z-6
Special Forces:
3xWookiee Warriors with Bowcasters and Recon Intel
Total: 800
I got into this game because of great friend of mine gifted me half his Legion set of Christmas (It was super nice of him! What a champion)! Normally I wouldn't be interested in playing as rebel filth (seeing as the Empire is 100% more awesome), but as you can see I managed to make the army into something I'm really happy with! All it took was picked up 3 boxes of wookiees and Chewbacca and now I'm pulling the arms out of people's sockets!
My friend and I played 2 games and I noticed that the more wookiees I added the better I did. The final game was an 800 points (I used a similar list to what is seen above) and we're both convinced wookiees are total bs!
I'd love to see a battle report with painted minis (I haven't gotten around to painting mine yet) to see how well the list would do in a different gaming circle.
Get wook!
Edited by Wookerz