skill Vampiric Blood

By Beholder3, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Is there wrong wording on this skill? Gain 1 fatigue = recover 1 fatigue? Or each time i deal the killing blow to an enemy figure i GAIN fatigue token from pool not recover spent token?

Beholder said:

Is there wrong wording on this skill? Gain 1 fatigue = recover 1 fatigue? Or each time i deal the killing blow to an enemy figure i GAIN fatigue token from pool not recover spent token?

Everytime you deal the killing blow to an enemy figure, you recover one fatigue token up to your maximum allowable fatigue. For example, if you are playing Mad Carthos with this skill and only have 1 fatigue left, if you kill a skeleton you would gain (recover) a fatigue to go to 2 fatigue.

Note that if you do an area attack, like Breathe or Bolt, and you kill 5 monsters, you would gain 5 fatigue or up to your fatigue stat.

Beholder said:

Is there wrong wording on this skill? Gain 1 fatigue = recover 1 fatigue? Or each time i deal the killing blow to an enemy figure i GAIN fatigue token from pool not recover spent token?

Gain or recover mean exactly the same thing in this case, given that you may never exceed your maximum fatigue. That is what maximum means.

Ok, but Mordog's ability says: Mordog RECOVERS 1Fatigue...Vampiric Blood skill says: GAIN 1 Fatigue. What difference is between RECOVER ang GAIN ?

Fine, thank you all...

Beholder said:

Ok, but Mordog's ability says: Mordog RECOVERS 1Fatigue...Vampiric Blood skill says: GAIN 1 Fatigue. What difference is between RECOVER ang GAIN ?

There is no difference, FFG just chose poorly by using two different words. No ability that gives you back fatigue (or health or whatever) can take you above your maximum rating for the stat in question. If an ability is intended to modify the maximum value of a stat, it will say so (ie: "increase maximum fatigue.")