Star Wars Destiny: The Mandalorian Themed Expansion
Its over man. This game doesnt exist anymore.
59 minutes ago, HerbertPh said:Its over man. This game doesnt exist anymore.
Did all of your cards spontaneously combust?
3 hours ago, HerbertPh said:Its over man. This game doesnt exist anymore.
just because it was discontinued doesn't mean it's illegal play anymore
19 hours ago, HerbertPh said:Its over man. This game doesnt exist anymore.
What is stopping me from taking matters into my own hands and designing new sets? Nothing.
Edited by DevizzOn 1/24/2020 at 1:48 AM, Devizz said:What is stopping me from taking matters into my own hands and designing new sets? Nothing.
Thanks for doing this by the way
On 1/25/2020 at 12:16 AM, toxic newb said:Thanks for doing this by the way
My pleasure.
Still looking for playtesters! At the very least I'd be interested to hear some of your feedback or anyone else on this forum for that matter.
2 hours ago, Devizz said:My pleasure.
Still looking for playtesters! At the very least I'd be interested to hear some of your feedback or anyone else on this forum for that matter.
The mechanics are really cool and are fun (printed the cards out and played mando/child and had so much fun). Only issue I had is that Moff Gideon didn't have much synergy with the dark saber.
11 hours ago, toxic newb said:The mechanics are really cool and are fun (printed the cards out and played mando/child and had so much fun). Only issue I had is that Moff Gideon didn't have much synergy with the dark saber.
What about 'From the Ashes'?
I guess you can't get 4 value from Darksaber on Gideon since hes 14/18 tho.
I guess I should make him 15/20 or something huh.
Edited by DevizzOn 1/26/2020 at 10:34 PM, Devizz said:
now that I think of it, it seems too OP to make him 15/20
question though: where do you get the outline? I have so many ideas (separatist droids specifically) but don't know where to get the border
Read the artist name on the templates I use.
Or you could type in google 'custom star wars destiny card maker' or something along those lines.
Also, here is some additional design concept that I pursued, exploring a new design space:
Just playing around with the idea, obviously, there could be multiple triggers for transform such as take X damage, etc. (I can think of some very interesting ones, potentially unique but the thing is, to keep the mechanism UX friendly, the triggers need to be easily trackable by the players).
Just to clarify, transformed characters start with the amount of damage on them that is equal to the amount that their pre-transform counterpart had. Could also experiment with health reset of sorts, so no damage is transferred but with lower health variables for both variants.
The obvious design issue here to further explore and resolve if necessary is as follows: if the trigger does not have a 100% guarantee, how much does a player lose in comparison to potential gain? This can also be implemented the other way around with initial power spike which is an even bigger issue actually. What if the character of player A is so strong that player B can never trigger the weaker, alternate game state of the said character.
Back in the day with FFG support, such a concept would probably never see the light of day, since for such a type of character to be playable instead of 1-2 copies of the card you'd need 2-4 or even 3-6. Now, this could be a thing, if the design space proves interesting and fun during playtesting that is.
I can also see the possibility of allowing the player to alternate between different states of a character instead of designing something with a clear exponential increase in power, perhaps one state could be good at playing more defensively while the other offensively, etc.
On 1/22/2020 at 3:49 PM, HerbertPh said:Its over man. This game doesnt exist anymore.
So is Netrunner yet people are still doing something similar to this. If people want to knock themselves out, good for them.
On 1/22/2020 at 11:49 PM, HerbertPh said:Its over man. This game doesnt exist anymore.
This game officially stopped in 2001.
14 hours ago, kempy said:
this is a different game
I believe his point is that the game is still around because of the community.
18 hours ago, Luner_Eclipse said:I believe his point is that the game is still around because of the community.
Oh ok. Thanks for clarifying