Allright; Complications.
They are a once per session way to regain Void Points.
It is probably a rule not many play with, but for those who do; since acting in opposition to your ninjo gives you 3 strife.
Where do complications (3 strife +1 void point) fit in there?
Can it double up on acting in opposition to your ninjo (take 6 strifes) ?
Seems like basically almost anything goes to trigger Complications as long as it is loosely tied to your backstory. And then its about roleplay, you seem "moved by it" take the strife and void.
It really doesn't even seem like a hard choice.
For example, acting in opposition to one's ninjo is a CHOICE. That the GM can use.
But for a Complication ? Which choice is actually the one that gives you the strife ? Is it really only about "being moved by it", doesn't matter the CHOICE ? Meaning its kind of a free void point once per session if you act all drama about a situation? No matter how you resolve it?
I guess ?
7 hours ago, Avatar111 said:Seems like basically almost anything goes to trigger Complications as long as it is loosely tied to your backstory. And then its about roleplay, you seem "moved by it" take the strife and void.
The latter, true - though I would say that being "moved by it" should require you to actually seek to act in a different way. Coming over all emotive at someone's plight and then going "but never mind, lets leave them to a horrible death" or whatever, is questionable since if you were really 'moved' you would have tried to save them, or at least felt shame (honour loss) at not trying.
But yes, they are a simple enough way to say "have a void point", since void points don't naturally recover in each session.
I don't tend to use them a lot, but I do use the discord track - essentially, if I'm not following a pre-scripted session, I use the discord track as a bit of a 'sub-plot generator'.
Complications are most interesting, I find, when they involve multiple players - so one player's Ninjo and another players Giri are in opposition over a significant-but-not-main-storyline-critical element; I'll generally only have one of the two receive the strife/void point, usually the one who's not getting matters resolved the way they would want (as the other will often net a trivial honour and/or glory increase instead).
It is a mechanic I need to use more, free void point.
The more I play the more I realise you live or die with void points, they are extremely critical. So I started to check out how the void points are gained and expended, and naturally, found it all very iffy and bound the the GM's interpretation. For example, I had absolutely no one ever use a advantage flipping as it is never worth it mechanically.
But complications I need to use more. It is basically only a "free" void point per session. If a player try to RP a bit.
Otherwise anxieties, on that subject it is necessary to try to balance the ease of use of each of the so that no player feels shafted. Same goes for adversities, except the roll and keep system can make them weird.
Anyway, just rambling. Obviously I am not really digging the design and how the void point economy works, especially considering that late game is all about them.
Thanks for your inputs!
On 1/17/2020 at 12:40 PM, Avatar111 said:For example, I had absolutely no one ever use a advantage flipping as it is never worth it mechanically.
I have had it happen; I completely agree a void point spent to seize the moment is better than a reroll, but the difference is that an advantage (or an opponent's disadvantage) is something you trigger after seeing the rolled dice.
If you have no applicable advantage, but have a disadvantage which fits (or vice-versa for an opponent), spending a void point on an 'oh-bugger-that-was-a-really-bad-roll-and-this-is-going-to-hurt' reroll can save your neck.