secretly begun construction on
a new armored space station
even more powerful than the
first dreaded Death Star.
When completed, this ultimate
weapon will spell certain doom
for the small band of rebels.
struggling to survive.
In a desperate attempt to
prevent it’s completion, the
REBELLION masses their forces
for a final strike in hopes to
restore freedom to the galaxy....
This is a 4-6 player game format that pits two teams against each other in the struggle at the battle of Endor. Players each build either a 600 point (4 player) or 400 point (6 player) fleet using the rules below:
1.) Each team (rebels and Imperials) selects a Grand Admiral. This individual will make the final decisions should there be a disagreement within the team.
2.) Each team builds a list as normal with the following exceptions
a.) Squadrons are capped at 1/4 the point total.
b.) A team cannot have more than one copy of a card with a unique name. If players within
a team cannot agree on fleet building choices the Grand Admiral makes the final
c.) The Imperial Grand Admiral’s list must contain a copy of the Super Star Destroyer.
This game uses a modified all out offensive setup as referenced on pages 14-16 of the Corellian Conflict rule book with the following exceptions:
1.) Setup is to follow the diagram below:
2.) The Rebel team is the assaulting team, Imperial team is the defending team
3.) Imperial team places the Station in the center of their 3’x 3’ mat, then teams take turns placing obstacles as normal starting with the Rebels. Obstacles must be placed beyond distance 3 of any edge and beyond distance 3 of other obstacles.
4.) While deploying the SSD the base must be touching the 3’ edge of the mat and cannot overlap obstacles or fighters.
5.) The SSD cannot be used for hyperspace reserves.
This game mode plays with a special objective designed to simulate an attack on an armored space station. The station has the following effects:
Death Star II
30 Hull (Exterior)
5 Hull (Interior)
[ Battery Armament ] 8 Red 8 Blue 4 Black (360º arc) (range restrictions apply)
[Anti-Squadron Armament] 4 Red 4 Blue (360º arc) (range restrictions apply)
• Once per round, during rounds 2, 4, and 6, a player on the Imperial team may activate this station instead of activating one of their ships.
• While defending the Station may spend defense tokens.
• This station cannot suffer critical effects.
• To determine line of sight to or from this station, trace to the point of its token that is closest to the squadron or hullzone that is attacking or defending.
• At the end of each round the station may recover a defense token that has been discarded.
• This station cannot resolve commands
• This station may perform only one of it’s attacks against a ship each round it activates.
• This station does not gain the effects of any upgrade card.
• The station cannot be moved.
• When a player activates the station, they may choose to deploy up to 4 generic Tie Fighter squadrons at distance 1 of the station and activate them as if they’d been activated by a ship, if they do, the station may only perform one attack this round. No more than 4 extra squads may be added using this ability. (Example: If on round 2 a player deployed 4 tie squadrons using this ability, and only 3 remained on the table by round 4, this ability would only deploy 1 additional tie squadron to bring the total back up to 4 extra squadrons).
• Once the Interior hull points are reduced to zero, the station is destroyed.
• The Interior hull zone cannot suffer damage until the Exterior Hull zone is reduced to zero.
• The Interior hull zone cannot be targeted by ships.
• When the Exterior Hull points reach zero, the station cannot be activated and loses all defense tokens.
Victory conditions are as follows:
Imperials Win- The station survives or all Rebel ships destroyed.
Rebellion Win- The station is destroyed with at least one friendly ship remaining.