Sliding point costs necessary?

By Stefan, in X-Wing Epic Play

A thing I come around to thinking about more and more is whether Epic needs its own sliding costs, like upgrades that are costed differently based on agility or initiative. Like, cost per 100 points over 200 or something. The nature of Epic, which was a large part of what made 1.0 being regarded as such an unserious format, were the many broken combinations. The pricing simply isn't adjusted to the fact that so many more ships are on the table. Upgrades like Sloane, Leia and the like are much more efficient in Epic, whereas upgrades such as Palpatine rapidly lose worth.

I don't have any concrete suggestions, and maybe I'm totally off the mark here, but I'd like to hear your input.

I like this idea. Sticking with your examples I suppose Leia would get a bigger increase as she has no range restriction, at least Sloane is range 0-3.

As a whole, I hate sliding costs because of the complexity they add to listbuilding.

However, you are right about all the cards you mentioned.

In hindsight, maybe those cards should have been Commanders.

Would it be silly to price them based on Ship Size?? On a Huge, the game is obviously Epic, and on a Large with a Commander slot they would be easier to kill.

Nah, a shuttle hanging back is not so much easier to kill than a Huge Ship since you're opening yourself up to the enemy wings, of which there are more since there's no point sucking Huge Ship. Your rule would just penalize the use of Huge Ships, and that would be a real mistake.