What do you think about this?
Outer Rim Garrison (60)
Ion Cannon Battery (5)
Director Krennic (4)
Agent Kallus (5)
Comms Team (8)
Boosted Scanners (8)
Tibanna Reserves (3)
Blood Crow (5)
Rexler Brath (81)
Marksmanship (1)
Fire-Control System (2)
Veteran Wing Leader (2)
Onyx Squadron Ace (74)
Marksmanship (1)
Fire-Control System (2)
Onyx Squadron Ace (74)
Marksmanship (1)
Fire-Control System (2)
Inquisitor (35)
Instinctive Aim (1)
Fire-Control System (2)
Mag-Pulse Warheads (6)
Turr Phennir (42)
Crack Shot (1)
Saber Squadron Ace (36)
Crack Shot (1)
Saber Squadron Ace (36)
Crack Shot (1)
Total: 499
View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0
The idea is that the Defenders serve as a hammer against the anvil (the to be destroyed anvil, not a good analogy) to the enemy's huge ships. They're also holding their own in a dog fight, I'll reckon. Turr Phenir can pull his wing mates into Range 2 or Range 1, depending on where he started, and TIE Interceptors are generally good at dishing out damage and survive thanks to the Wing Leader upgrade. The Inquisitor is there to deliver the payload into a huge ship. Those should be hurt REAL bad by Deplete. And the Gozanti serves as a support craft, usually coordinating, but if necessary stripping a vital token at range 2-3.