n the description for the Possession attack on p. 331 of the Dark Heresy Core Rule Book it states that:
The creature and target make Opossed Willpower Tests each round untill eithier the entity or the victim achieve a total of five degrees of sucess over the other-- t his is cumulitive over sevral rounds.'
The last statment regarding the cumulitive nature, how do most of you interpret this? Does this mean that the first party to achive five degrees of success total 'wins' or is this simply stating that the test contiue over several rounds until a party suceeds in gaining five DoS in a single round? To clarify would they test until one party achives the five degrees of sucees in a single test, or keep a + / - tally of their results over the sevral rounds?
So that if in round one of testing Devil gets 0 degrees of success and Howard gets 1 their total going into the second round is Devil:0 Howard:1. Now in the second round Devil gets 2 DoS while Howard gets 1 DoF so that going into round three its Devil:2 Howard:0 ect. until someone reachs a score of 5? Do you see it working like this or diffrently or just counting DoS and ignoring DoF or is it just the five DoS in a single test but including the opponet's DoF in such a amaner that if one party got two DoS and the other three DoF faliure that would count as five...?
I'm just wondering how others view this because I've kept reading the entry and am still exactly unsure as to how its suposed to pan out.