When talking about the TIE/ba Pilot "Holo," what does it mean when discussing "your tokens"? Obviously, any focus, evade, stress, etc. tokens are yours... but what about locks?
- "Your lock" refers to a lock that an enemy ship has placed upon Holo. By moving that, Holo can throw off an enemy's focus-fire planning, or disrupt an ordnance strike by putting the target at the wrong range.
- "Your lock" refers to a lock that Holo has, on an enemy ship. With this interpretation, Holo can burn in, acquire a lock, then shift that acquired lock to a different friendly ship, ready to unload some ordnance upon an unsuspecting target.
- (suggested by @Ysenhal ) "Your lock" refers to BOTH locks on Holo, and locks that Holo has on enemy ships. Therefore, Holo can move either one: a lock token an enemy ship has on Holo, OR a lock that Holo has, on an enemy ship.
I'm leaning towards the first interpretation, mainly because lock tokens aren't paired anymore like in first edition)... but the second concept does at least sound plausible.
added a new possibility