Hey guys so I wanted a list that had a real gun line feel. I mostly play other wargames like 40k and battletech but just got into this one and am pretty new to this one so I wanted to know what you guys thought.
Bossk Veers Backline
800/800 12 Activations
Veers, Strict Orders, Electrobinoculars 93
Bossk, Hunter 121
3x Shore Troopers, T-21B 54
3x DF 90 Mortar Trooper, Coms Relay 41
3x Scouts Troopers Strike Team, DLT 19x 48
E Web Heavy Blaster Team, Barrage Generator, Linked Targeting Array 67
Command Cards
Merciless Munitions, Maximum Firepower, Reptilian Rampage, Push, Laying in Wait, Imperial Discipline, Standing Orders.
Battle Plan Cards
I didn't want Disarray, Rapid Reinforcement or Recover the supplies but I haven't had too many games so I could totally be wrong here.
CC is welcome.