Range 4 Empire

By drathan6390, in Army Building

Hey guys so I wanted a list that had a real gun line feel. I mostly play other wargames like 40k and battletech but just got into this one and am pretty new to this one so I wanted to know what you guys thought.

Bossk Veers Backline

800/800 12 Activations

Veers, Strict Orders, Electrobinoculars 93

Bossk, Hunter 121

3x Shore Troopers, T-21B 54

3x DF 90 Mortar Trooper, Coms Relay 41

3x Scouts Troopers Strike Team, DLT 19x 48

E Web Heavy Blaster Team, Barrage Generator, Linked Targeting Array 67

Command Cards

Merciless Munitions, Maximum Firepower, Reptilian Rampage, Push, Laying in Wait, Imperial Discipline, Standing Orders.

Battle Plan Cards

I didn't want Disarray, Rapid Reinforcement or Recover the supplies but I haven't had too many games so I could totally be wrong here.

CC is welcome.

If you are doing a range 4 gunline, you want to consider very strongly replacing Imperial Discipline with Co-ordinated fire. It allows you to pass aim tokens off troopers to other units or to other troopers. so a turn could have each shore starting on 1 aim each, they can then receive another aim each from electro binocs. first unit can aim and fire to make 3 aim tokens, and pass an aim token to another shores unit who is on 3, and then they can aim on their turn and make it 4 aims.

Alternatively your shores can pass their aim tokens over to Bossk so Bossk can fish for crits.

I would probably, if i was you also drop both add-ons to the e-webb to save 12pts, and then take Aggressive Tactics on Veers and get a 2pt bid.

The problem with running Bossk is that on his command card turns, you will have very little activation control. This means that you won't be able to take full advantage of the list. Veers likes E. Binoculars, but I would prioritize other things over it first. I recommend putting Comms Techs on your shores, at least one if not more. This is because Strict orders, Shoretroopers and Aggressive Tactics all synergize with receiving orders. Another card I would include is Aggressive Tactics. This card can give up to 4 surge tokens a turn to units issued orders. With relay and coordinate, you can reliably order exactly who you want to move first. This list also WANTS Rapid Reinforcements and RtS. This is because if you do not take rapid, you have to take limited visibility, which is much worse for gunlines. RtS is important because it is a center point objective, which is very easy for a gunline to pin down and control. For command card choice, I recommend taking ambush over MM because you want more turns where Veers is issuing orders so that aggressive tactics and target on shores will trigger more often. LiW should be played early, I like it turn 1 or 2. Hope this help understanding how to better play this list, it can be a very interesting list to run. I recommend checking out boba as well because he pairs even better with this type of list.

Krennic 4 DT gunline works every time for me.