Warhammer: Invasion mini tournament in Kansas City on July 10th

By JonHook, in Warhammer Invasion Community

There is a local gaming convention coming up here in Kansas City on July 9th, 10th, and 11th. I am attending on Saturday the 10th. I have just registered to run a mini Warhammer: Invasion tournament. I will provide all of the cards for playing. It will be the core game plus the elf expansion.

Six players will each face-off every other player in a single round-robin tournament. Each match-up will be a best 2 out of 3 match. I'm going to get a few cheap prizes and give them away to all of the players.

If anyone finds themselves in KC that weekend, please come play!!!

Here is a link to the con: http://kantcon.com/registration/index.php