Covert Missions: What decks to plan for?

By Fromper, in Star Wars: Destiny

Yup, I'm the same guy who wondered what would be tier 1 in the current meta for a prime before Covert Missions. Now that I'm done with that prime, I've still got two more prime tournaments coming up, including one right after Covert Missions drops. Based on previews so far, what should we be preparing for? What decks look good to try?

I'm not expecting to have any specific legendaries from the new set immediately, but I'll buy probably two boxes immediately, so I can probably count on having most of the other cards. My local store does have people to trade with and sells singles, so that will help. So I'm looking at a couple of deck ideas that don't rely on legendaries from the new set.

My assumptions so far:

1. new Vader/ old Jabba (the one that uses specials for damage) will be popular. It's just too obvious.

2. Piloting will be a bad idea unless the set includes good counters to Desperate Measures.

3. Construct the Death Star looks potentially interesting. I'm having a hard time deciding on a really good build for it, though. Obviously, you have to play Watto, and cheap upgrades that have multiple resources sides, but other than that, how do you do this?

What thoughts do the rest of you have?

And... Covert Missions has been officially delayed until February. So my next prime will also be current meta, and the one after that could go either way. Back to Palp-planning.

I would never look at the spoiled cards as a guide for much.

While the whole set may be spoiled at the end of the week until that happens there are just too many blank spaces to try and account for much.

I would fall back to old decks with a few card changes early in, rather than complete new decks.

So now that they've spoiled the whole set, any new ideas?

There's a couple of things I'd be curious to try, but wouldn't take to a top tournament without serious testing first.

It looks like they're trying to make neutral mill with jawas into a thing, but I'm just not buying it. Also, there's no counter to Desperate Measures to make piloting work with a small number of ships, but a ship swarm could still work, just like Aphra still works in the current meta by putting out lots of little supports instead of one big, important one.

Wookies seem like they could work, Maybe a Tarfful and Scoundrel Chewie? I know thats what I would like to test. Also I don't know about entire decks but with all these new ships and piloting, I bet Admiral will become even more popular now.

Hera, Kanan, Sabine looks like fun, but I just can't spot the cards I want for the deck.

Admiral Bane looks too obvious.