Tutorial - Crackle Effects (image heavy)

By WanouMars, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

Hi all! :)

I decided to try some crackle effects but I could not find any decent tutorial on the internet... so I decided to build one for the Community to enjoy! :)

You will find below the result of my weekend experiment, my recommendations, most technical details (including which products I used) and a full step-by-step gallery tutorial (in the spoiler below) :)
This does not have a systematic and scientific approach, but it should be enough to guide you in your own process, and still leave some space to experiment! :)

Last, but not least, I have a brand new Logo and Instagram account where I post about my painting projects - feel free to follow me there! :) https://www.instagram.com/wanoumars.art/

I hope you will enjoy the read and find it useful :)

<< Save space here for an upcoming X-Wing Repaint ;) - Done :) >>

Here's the kind of thing you can hope to get :)


And some work in progress / attempts :)

Failed blue (too much stripping damaged the surface, didn't work well):


Failed with too thick layer (way too glossy):


Intermediary stage (Green = Love) :


Too little crackling medium (almost invisible with naked eye):


Added crackling medium on top of cracked paint (too glossy, doesn't look good with naked eye):








OK, so now that you know how the crackle effects looks, let's get to my recommendations.

1/ Application Method (Crackle Medium)

I tried different methods (see full step-by-step gallery tutorial below), and this is the one that works best:

1) Prime

2) Apply Bottom Layer

3) Apply Gloss Varnish

4) Apply Top Layer (yes, before the Crackle Medium!)

5) Let dry for 3 hours (I didn't try longer dry times, but less dry time did not convince me)

6) Apply Crackle Medium (the thicker the layer is, the more dramatic the crackle will be)

7) Let dry (or use hairdryer) and enjoy :D

2/ Application Method (Lack / Paste and Texture Medium)

I only tried this method, but it showed good results systematically:

1) Prime

2) Apply Bottom Layer

3) Apply Gloss Varnish

4) Apply Lack / Paste / Texture (the thicker the layer is, the more dramatic the crackle will be)

5) Let dry (or use hairdryer) and enjoy :D

3/ General recommendations and comments

When working with the Crackle Medium:

1) Remember to use a Gloss Varnish Layer between the Bottom and the Top Layers of Paint

2) The Top Layer of Paint must be as thin as possible (Inks give top results!)

3) When the Crackle Medium is applied before the Top Layer of paint, it is very difficult to know when is the right time to apply to Top Layer. It's either not dry enough, or too dry (= crackled)

4) I tried to use the awesome CultureHustle BLK 3.0 paint as Top Layer, but it needs to be really thick to have good opacity, which defeats the Crackle Medium. On top of that, the Crackle Medium is Glossy, which defeats the darkness / chalkiness of the BLK 3.0 paint. Pity!

5) Mixing paint and Crackle Medium did not show good results (see bottom right cell of the board)

6) Pre-shading the Bottom Layer does not show through much

7) If you use masking tape, as usual, be mindful to keep layers thin. I ripped off a few cells when I removed the masking tape

Technical Details

Final Result:


Products used (not sponsored):


The only product which is missing here is the Gloss Varnish, by Vallejo, used to separate the two layers of paint and increase the Crackle Medium Effect.

Full step-by-step gallery tutorial

Take a sit, buckle up, and let's go! :D

Step 0) Prepare your Miniature 😛 (remove grease, strip paint...)


Step 1) Prime

Here in Black and White, to see how much of pre-shading shows through - which is not much.


Step 2) Apply Bottom Layer and Gloss Varnish

Here, I decided to add one more column (Fluo Pink) to try the best method, before committing to the rest :)


Step 3) Apply Top Layer (paint in top right cell, or White Lack and Earth Texture, in this case)


Step 4) Missing picture, sorry: Apply Crackle Medium (right column) and -when you feel like it Top Layer

Step 4b) Missing picture, sorry: Mix Crackle Medium and Top Layer Paint and apply (bottom right cell)

I do not recommend these methods, I was just testing here :)

Step 5) Check crackle results on right column (detail below) and apply Top Layers across the board




From Top to Bottom:

- Primer > Bottom Layer > Gloss Varnish > Top Layer > 3 hour dry time > Crackle Medium = BEST RESULT

- Primer > Bottom Layer > Gloss Varnish > Crackle Medium (little) > Top Layer (kind of when you feel like it) = poor result, I added more Crackle Medium Later and managed to fix (see final pictures)

- Primer > Bottom Layer > Gloss Varnish > Crackle Medium (generously) > Top Layer (kind of when you feel like it) = poor result

Step 6) Apply Top Layers across the board

Notice how deep of a black is CultureHustle BLK 3.0 paint 😛 - unfortunately it does not work with the Crackle Medium as the paint layer needs to be really think to be opaque, and the Crackle Medium on top is Glossy, so both products defeat each other.


Step 7) Dry time 3 hours

Step 😎 Apply Crackle Medium (in different quantities here, to try it out)



Step 9) Remove masking tape while the Crackling Medium is still wet to avoid tearing later (you can see I teared some below)


Step 10) Early Results


Step 11) Clean up and enjoy the final result :)


Let me know what you think :) and thanks for watching! :)


Edited by WanouMars
Added content - done
47 minutes ago, WanouMars said:

Let me know what you think :) and thanks for watching! :)

I just used something called "Distress crackle paint" for my ice and lava based models from Blood Rage and was quite happy with the results.

I read the turorial on ice bases in the Reaper forum and adapted it for the lava bases with the technique described in some other forum.

3 minutes ago, Singulativ said:

I just used something called "Distress crackle paint" for my ice and lava based models from Blood Rage and was quite happy with the results.

I read the turorial on ice bases in the Reaper forum and adapted it for the lava bases with the technique described in some other forum.

That's a cool product for bases, similar the Viva Decor Crackling Color White and Citadel Texture which I tested above :) Thanks for pointing it out!

Just now, WanouMars said:

That's a cool product for bases, similar the Viva Decor Crackling Color White and Citadel Texture which I tested above :) Thanks for pointing it out!

Besided bases: What model do you want to paint with this kind of effect? The only thing I can think of right now is some kind ok blowing-hull-effect with the lava color-palette.

4 minutes ago, Singulativ said:

Besided bases: What model do you want to paint with this kind of effect? The only thing I can think of right now is some kind ok blowing-hull-effect with the lava color-palette.

I'm planning to work on three projects:

- an Hoth Imperial Squad, with snow and ice effects

- a simple TIE Advanced v1 that would combine Chameleon paints and Crackle Medium

- and maybe use it in some places as lava cracks on a CR90 to go with my Republic Squad

.. time will tell, though :D

Edited by WanouMars

Added examples in first post :)

So do I understand how this works correctly:

1. base color - splotches of colors to create gradient type effect, possibly applied with sponge

2. gloss layer - acts as a divider between base and top

3. top layer - black or whatever color you want cracked

4. toppest layer of crackle medium - this works by drying up the top layer and because of the gloss it doesn't affect the base layer

2 hours ago, Ghosthacked said:

So do I understand how this works correctly:

1. base color - splotches of colors to create gradient type effect, possibly applied with sponge

2. gloss layer - acts as a divider between base and top

3. top layer - black or whatever color you want cracked

4. toppest layer of crackle medium - this works by drying up the top layer and because of the gloss it doesn't affect the base layer

That is correct :)

What brand is the crackle medium?

Will Aardcoat work as gloss varnish?

8 hours ago, Ghosthacked said:

What brand is the crackle medium?

Will Aardcoat work as gloss varnish?

I've used Vallejo Crackling Medium (17mL bottle).

Aardcoat will work :)

Remember to share results if you try :)

will do. Got a couple ideas already.

one idea was like these guys


Then I want to do a pair of fire and ice TIEs