Hi All,
I am going to be running this event at GenCon 2020 (have to plan so early) and I have been having fun playing this mission a few times. I would love to have people discuss the ins and outs of this mission.
It is interesting as it's a 300 point per side mission. That usually means the CR-90 and Raider are too expensive, but the GR-75, C-ROC (Yo-yo), and Gozanti could be useful in this mission.
You need to split your points between defending your own Shuttles and attacking the enemy's. I have found that it can be a real balancing act to do right. I have seen one side usually is too light.
Some notes:
- the Shuttles are not considered FRIENDLY for special abilities.
- you cannot bump with the Shuttles. You land on top of them with no effect.