Ebb/Flow question.

By RobertYork, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

I've looked around and read a lot of posts about Ebb/Flow, but I'm still confused on a fairly fundamental part. I'm pretty new to the rules, but I'm GMing for a small group, and we were discussing how Ebb/Flow works.

I noticed there's a common perception on the forums here that when you make your Force check with Ebb/Flow, and use the control upgrade to grant an additional advantage, that it only takes place on your next check, and does not affect the Force power check you just made. I'm confused as to where this logic comes from. I don't see it in my copy of Disciples of Harmony. Did I miss something in the generic rules? Here's what it says for me:

Flow: When making a combined Force power check, the Force user may spend one pip to add an advantage to any checks the Force user makes that use the same skill before the end of his next turn. The Force user may not activate this multiple times.

Did I miss something? It says any checks, not the next check. Not future checks. Someone have some clarification?

It's in the long text. When making a combined Flow power check, the Force user may spend Pips to add Advantage to any checks the Force user makes that use the same skill before the end of his next turn. Compare that to Enhance description, the Force user can spend Pips to add Success or Advantage on the check.

Look more at the "uses the same skill" wording. You can't use the same skill in the same round as an action. So it comes into play the next round as long as you are using that same skill.

Now if you are using Ebb on an opponent who has not taken a turn this turn, he would still take the Threat/Failures determined by the roll as it is after your current turn but before the end of your next turn.

Right. I was looking at the long text, and I don't see how that wording doesn't also mean the combined power check you just made. Every other combined power check works that way. What is unique about this power that means it only applies to future checks, and not the one being rolled?

I'm not saying I fundamentally think the power shouldn't work this way; I'm just saying I don't see how that description in the book states that. Nor have I seen any evidence from the Devs to suggest it should work that way, so I'm at a loss as to where this came from. There's a fairly weak implication with saying 'any checks', but 'any' could also imply the check you're making right now just as easily.

For example, it doesn't claim 'the next check', or something else explicitly stating that it only applies to future checks. Is this just an assumption made by someone on the forums and everyone went with it?