The Clone Wars Season 7

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic


The Clone Wars to premiere on Disney+ on Feb. 17th



Bring It!

At the hologram table (when Mace says he senses a plot) I am pretty sure that’s Kanan next to Depa Billaba.

And we 100% see Rex during Order 66.


On 1/22/2020 at 3:32 PM, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

At the hologram table (when Mace says he senses a plot) I am pretty sure that’s Kanan next to Depa Billaba.

You mean Caleb? 😉



Sketch of the Yuuzhan Vong by Dave Filoni. The Vong were to be featured in an unmade X-files-esque episode in which the Yuuzhan Vong aboard their scout ship would perform an abduction trying to assess the strength of the Galactic Republic and what the Jedi were.

Excellent Episode!


“I smell fear, and it smells good.”

- Harch Admiral Trench

art by Herckeim

I wonder if we could get the Bad Batches ship as a combat flotilla once clone wars comes in. Buuut maybe it's a bit to small being slighlty larger than a shuttle. Maybe it could be a rogue squadron?
