Hi All,
Brand new player here. I’m getting into Armada after a fun learning game from a local and want to play for fun. I don’t need to win any tournaments, but I’d prefer not to get wiped off the board too. So my aspiration is to have fun improving but I have no interest in downloading the latest meta list and letting fly.
I’ve bought a core set, plus Rebel squadrons 1, Villains and Rogues, Home One, Liberty, and a second Nebulon B. No real strategy, just plucking stuff off the shelf to look cool. I have an Imperial fleet for home games too but I will talk about that some other time.
Looking at the ships and commanders etc, it seems like there’s no smart way to run both MC80s together. One is a side arc beast designed to work well with Ackbar. The other is a front arc beast that won’t take advantage of Ackbar at all. I’m not too sad about that, but I was wondering if there was a strategy where people run these two big Rebel ships together.
In the meantime, here’s my newbie fleet that I plan to run in a casual game this weekend. No grand strategy but my hope is to get the MC80 into the side arc of something while using the frigates and fighters to screen squadrons. The Y-wings are there in case the opportunity arises to soften up a capital ship and the Corvette is there more or less to distract and maybe get a close range strike on a capital ship and pull a good damage card before it gets sacrificed.
Any thoughts are appreciated.
Home one Basic Fleet (395/400)
Commander: Admiral Ackbar
Objectives: Advanced Gunnery, Asteroid Tactics, Intel Sweep
[flagship] MC80 Command Cruiser (106)
- Admiral Ackbar (38)
- Home One (7)
= 151 total points
CR90 Corvette B (39)
- Dodonna's Pride (6)
= 45 total points
Nebulon-B Escort Frigate (57)
- Yavaris (5)
= 62 total points
Nebulon-B Escort Frigate (57)
- Redemption (8)
= 65 total points
Squadrons (72/134):
2x Y-Wing Squadron (20)
4x X-Wing Squadron (52)