Complicated question for you all there are lots of different effects that can make a location the active location, is that the same as travelling? Other card specify that you can travel to a location such as Strider's Path or Ghan-Buri-Ghan so does that trigger A Burgler's Turn? Do The Hidden Way, West Road Traveller, South Away, Mariner's Compass and Distant Stars count as travelling? And finally can locations with the attached cards that enter the staging area be cleared by placing progress tokens on them and then still count as explored and grant the guarded attachment?
So is the following hypothetical situation legit: could you Strider's Path a location during questing, clear it (and gain a burgled attachment) travel to another one normally, clear that with The Evening Star (gaining another burgled attachment), travel to another one with Ghan-Buri-Ghan (attaching another burgled attachment) then clear that with another copy of the Evening Star, then swap it with Thror's Map and clear that final location with yet another copy of The Evening Star? For a net total of four attachments in one round?
Edited by General_Grievous