So everyone's excited for Covert Missions coming in 2.5 weeks, and planning what to play after that. And everyone thinks they know the current meta. But with the latest nerfs/rebalancing, the current meta has changed, and some of us still have primes to play in the next couple of weeks before CM.
What decks do you expect to be the top contenders in the next two weeks' prime championships? I'm just trying to decide what to play and what I think I can match up well or poorly against with my current decks.
My list of possible tier 1 decks:
- ReyLo - Completely un-nerfed all the way through. Strong, but was never the top deck around.
- Palpatine - Similar to ReyLo. Strong, but I never saw it as the top of tier 1.
- Droids - Take out the plot, put in 3PO's 2nd die, and it's not quite as strong, but still a top tier deck to watch for.
- Maul - Strong aggro to watch for, but inconsistent. Strongly depends on the luck of the dice.
- Vader - Like Maul, strong, inconsistent aggro that fell out of favor, but only because people were bored with it, not because it isn't strong. New Bib Fortuna rebalance could actually cause a comeback.
- Snoke/Troopers - The new hotness, but loses out on Delve, Fist, and Theed being on the restricted list. New version without those still looks good, though.
- Aphra - ??? You'd think the loss of Delve/Fist would severely weaken this deck, but it could still be pretty good.
- 4-LOM - ??? Like Aphra, lost out on the Delve/Fist nerf, but could still be solid. Haven't seen it locally as much lately, so hard for me to judge.
- PlothWoks - ??? Not sure if this was ever tier 1, but it's just as good as it used to be.
- Mill - ??? Nobody in my area plays mill much, so it's heard for me to judge and prepare for. Three wide hero mill looks like it may be solid.
What am I missing?