RAWR, cards! H: Set 12, NRS, more; W: Set 12, more (Updated 5/11)

By MegaGeese, in UFS Trading

So updated.

I get the feeling I'm forgetting something, though...

Have you gotten your set 12 stuff yet have you?

hey mega geese i havnt traded on the forums b4 but i has a pseudo-soul edge and i want a sigfrieds earth divide email me at [email protected] if your ud like to trade

Scoob: No, our store hasn't gotten ours in yet. I think there was some mixup with the shop (it's part of a chain - I think they sent it to a different store?), though I could be wrong.

Our big order (and my "hey, let's throw money at it" singles orders) haven't shipped yet. But I went with the 2-day shipping, so they should be here no later than Thursday or so.

Cloud: Afraid I'll have to pass. Earth Divide isn't for me. I snatched them up because I know someone in our group who's going to want them...

MegaGeese said:

So updated.

I get the feeling I'm forgetting something, though...

email has been sent about a trade

The singles are here. Boxes are not (MASSIVE EXTREME ANGER OF DOOOOOOOOM). So, list updated.

Musashirouke: =(

3Cent - I read it. I think I replied?

You have not replied to me yet.

Hey Man,

Here's what i have:

2x Chester's Backing

1x Odin's Wrath

1x Wrath of Heaven

What I'd like for these:

3x Neo Raging Storm


i STILL got all those cards you wanted, wanna get on MSN and talk to me about it i think we can work out a fair deal? maybe...


3Cent: replied.

RockStah: Mmm...still looking for Chester's, but now we've bought/pulled a total of seven (!) Odin's Wrath in our group =/

NJ: Set 12?

And so stuff finally got here.

1x Cervantes Starter Deck
1x Ivy Starter Deck
1x Nightmare Starter Deck
1x Siegfried Starter Deck

Shadowar (box topper)
Stand Off (prerelease promo)
Tower of Souls (box topper)

1x Algol
1x Astraroth
1x Hilde
1x Lu Chen
1x Nightmare
1x Rashotep
1x Zhao Daiyu

Ascending Zephyr
Aura of Strength
Flowing Strikes
Immovable Object
No Forgiveness!
Pillage x3
The Dragon of Mt. Lao

Claws of Chian Tang (SR)
Eisern Drossel
Gianzende Nove and Frischer Himmel x2
Ice Coffin of the Sleeping Ancient (SR)
Kunpaetku Shrin - Dream Remnants
Monastery of Mt. Lao (SR)
Ostrheinsburg Castle - Twilight
Tower of Remembrance - Spiral of Time
Sailor's Rest (SR)
Valenine (SR)
Valkynsverd (SR)
Valkyria Shield x2

Dark Geo Da Ray (SR)
Execution Technique Third Rite
Fierce Twin Slash
Fury of the Ancients (SR)
Menuett Dance (SR)
Midnight Launcher
Mighty Knee Strike (SR)
Odin's Wrath (SR)
One-Handed Crocodile Grasp
Peaceful Path Hold x2
Raging Gnome (SR)
Shredding Vibrato (SR)
Siren's Call
Striking Thunder (SR)

Anger Towards a God
Artificial Soul
Atoning for the Past
Covenant Elder
Dead for One Thousand Years
Determined to Be the Best
Driven by Fear (SR)
Endless Years of Practice
Flexible Body (SR)
Intolerant of Failure
No Mercy
Paying Respect to Your Ancestors (SR)
Temporary Being
Unstoppable Warrior

Surprisingly, the Gnome IS for trade. Vibrato and Dance...not so much.

Will update list to reflect this.

YO GOOSE MAYNE, i'll rip myself for one of your knight breakers by alot in value. let me know. and i'd also like to trade for 2 of your neo raging storms.

i'm also interested in your addes and anyother foily, shiny banned cards you got for my sexy banned project i'm collabing with team atl on.

I have the following off your wants let me know if we can work out a deal:

1x Alshain Najim
3x Command the Sandstorm
2x Red Lotus Foil
3x Ira-Spinta
1x Kings Games
4x Chinese Boxing Foil
3x Timmy's rampage
2x shadow banishment
1x pote



Need your 2 deadly rings Tech

Scooter: Sorry, but Breakers are here to stay. I'm desperately trying to finish my set. Sexy card is sexy (Legacy Ukyo just got more jank). But I can definitely trade the NRS and assorted banned tomfoolery. Holla back.

Scoob: Was there something I wanted to trade you for? I'm sure there was, just can't think of what =/

Sent you a PM on TCO with an Offer.

PM'd you back.


Plied once more. Have at you!

MegaGeese said:


Plied once more. Have at you!

I stab you with my final offer before going to bed.

Now. I go to bed.

Take my offer... it's a good'n

MegaGeese said:

Scooter: Sorry, but Breakers are here to stay. I'm desperately trying to finish my set. Sexy card is sexy (Legacy Ukyo just got more jank). But I can definitely trade the NRS and assorted banned tomfoolery. Holla back.

Scoob: Was there something I wanted to trade you for? I'm sure there was, just can't think of what =/

I dont know but my list is updated so take a look at it and tell me .


Three packs of each set.

+1 Knight Breaker (BWAHA, so close to a set!)
+1 Tower of Souls - Encounter
+1 Wrath of Heaven
+1 Stand Off
+1 Midnight Launcher
+1 Menuett Dance
+1 Shredding Vibrato
+1 Tira
+1 Mysterious Stance
+1 Shadowar
+1 Curse of the Ancient Mariner
+1 Flowing Strikes
+1 Double Grounder Beta
+1 Rage of the Dragon
+1 Artificial Soul

-4 Tira's Contract
-1 Astaroth
-1 Fury of the Ancients
-1 Third Rite
-1 Valentine

Look at my thread mega geese.

Have to offer:
2x Red Lotus of the Sun Foil
4x Chinese Boxing Foil
1x Unnatural grace
1x Jon Herr(unsigned)
1x Home Run
4x Fluid Adaptation
3x Timmy's Rampage
4x Yoga Teleport
2x Shadow Banishment

Interested in your:
1x Spinning Beat
4x Galatctica Phantom
4x Sonic Boom Extraf
2x Addes Syndicate
1x Penetrating Lunge

make me an offer?

Hey man would you cml for

Raging Gnome
Neo Raging Storm
Spinning Beat

thanks bud

Doh. I knew I forgot to remove something. Beat is gone, and Gnome will very soon be as well. NRS is up for grabs, tho.

Also, update.

well what about g phantom and sonic boom extra. i have a list up as well with a big list of wants you can check out. lmk.