RAWR, cards! H: Set 12, NRS, more; W: Set 12, more (Updated 5/11)

By MegaGeese, in UFS Trading

1x *Donovan*
4-5x Ukyo (only missing the old promo)

1x Fluid Adaptation
3x Shoulder Rush
4x Tiamat's Rampage
2x Shadow Banishment
2x Power of the Edge

also have the other FOP's if you want any of them, need to offload them anyway.

Sardine's Beach Special x3
Rejection x1
Yuri's Super Upper x4
Amy's Assistance x4[wish list not neccesary for trade]

my list: new.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_foros_discusion.asp

and i think you still have my MSN, lmk


also have a chesters backing now to add to the offer


I have a BRT for you.

Please have a look at my want list.

In addition I need Hoyoku Sen, Neo Raging Storm, Spinning Beat, Basara Action, Blue Dragon and some Set 10 super rares more - and whats in my want list :)

Amon: Will do.

BFD: I keep forgetting that I need to counteroffer >_<

JDub: I'm trying to keep my Beat, Spikes, Neo Raging Storms, and GPhantoms in order to satisfy my BRT/Chester's/LotM needs (we don't have many in our playgroup_. But as such, I don't mind trading the Beat for some Chester's Backing-ery. Thoughts on a possible trade?

Gamer: Will do.

Gummy: Wow, it's been ages since I went and looked at my trade thread. I know you've already received those xD

And yes, yes they do.

NJ: I can definitely do the SUper Uppers. Much as I love that card, I simply can't find a use for it in my decks at this time (I put so much effort into getting those, too!). Shoot me an email and we'll get started from there.

Melfice: AHA! I knew someone would finally be interested in trading a BRT! Already replied in your thread =D

Nothing to update at this time, really.

List updated.

Filler text so I can post that. Aaaaand...go.

soooooo.... any chance I will ever hear back from you?

email shot at ya. lmk


E-mail senty senty sent sent. lmk

need stuffs email sent

Hi, it's me again, sorry for the late reply. And to answer your question first: My Tycho is not foil.

You said, you wanted these cards from me:

1x BRT (first and foremost!)
1x James Hata (he was supposed to trade me one at Worlds ;_ ;)
1x Chester's Backing
3x Lynette's Shop
2x Olcadan's Mentoring
1x Lost Memories (foil)
1x Shoulder Rush
1x Any 1 copy of Ukyo, Dan, or *Donovan*, signed.

Considering the signed cards, do you want them signed by me?!

So all cards above are available for trade, no problem from my side.

I had a look at your list and I need these cards most:

Hoyoko-Sen (preferred, because I wouldn't need to buy another box of SF)
Spinning Beat (preferred, because I wouldn't need to buy another box of SF)
Neo Raging Storm (more)
Feline Spike (regular)
one of the two new Guile SR, but I don't know which one out of my head

and some smaller stuff

Please drop me an e-mail as you should be able to see my e-mail-address in my profile.

I would rather that if I'm going to trade my Spintas, that it be for some of the newer sets, and as you can see, my wants there are kind of lacking, to the generals dismay. I appreciate the offer, but I'm going to have to say that I want to keep my Spintas for the time being.

And as pertaining to the Ukyo, I'm pretty sure that you it isn't really worth it to trade for a signed Ukyo from a player that hardly anyone knows and is a overall bad player. :P

what i have and you want

1x foil red lotus

4x Chester backing

2x king games

1x great gerdenheim

2x Tsurane kiri

2x shadwo banishment

1x power of the edge

1x james hata signed

I want from you

3x Neo raging storm

4x flame of fame

Malicious intent


basara 2




dhalsm 6













I'm trying to only work I-spinta into trades for BRT or Defender ATM.

Unortho: Interested in the Chester's, Red Lotus, Kiri, and the Shadow Bans. I can trade any of the listed cards, with the exception of Flames of Fame and Malicious Intent. I also have an offer on one or two (I forget how many, I won't lie) of the NRS.

Tader: So I'm guessing the BRT are NOT for trade, then?

I don't know if you're really still interested in that signed copy of Ukyo:: (I also have the Starter Ukyo gui%C3%B1o.gif ), but if you are, I'm not sure how valued they are to you and what I should be asking for. :|

E-mailed you regarding possible trade. (Hmm. Does this thing work?) "Hi, mom! I'm on t.v.!"

Roukesashi - I am. They're not valued particularly highly, mind, but I'll trade pretty well for them xD

Tuggs - Yep. Read it and everything. Unfortunately, at least 1 of the KoF is being traded, and I've put the other one on the table for an offer. I can trade the Mutsube though...just have to get it back from the person I lent it to.

I don't I ever put those two names together anywhere in written form....GET OUT OF MY MIND! You're probably not safe there. ;P

I'd really like to get the Hulking Brutes (x2) and Aim High (x3) would be great. I don't know if these would be above or under par according to your standards (I'm really horrible at valuing cards). You know, I also have a Liquid Form. Just be careful not to step in it.

I'll have to check my counts on Brute and Air Force, but I've no problem with that so long as I have some left. I'll look and get back to you.

Hey man whats going on? Anyways I was wondering if you had any Psycho Styles for trade? Lmk if you do thanks happy.gif

email sent

Hi Megageese.

Me again, after a while.
I have updated my wants - my haves follow soon.

So, I have these things you are looking for:

2x BRT
1x James Hata
2x Chester's Backing
3x Lynette's Shop
2x Olcadan's Mentoring
1x Hugo's Body Press
4x Fluid Adaptation
1x Lost Memories (foil)
1x Shoulder Rush
1x Yoga Teleport
1x Power of the Edge
2x Shadow Banishment
1x 1 copy of Ukyo, Dan and *Donovan*, signed by me (presume you want this)

I would need from your cards:

1x Hoyoko-Sen (MAIN WANT)
1x Feline Spike (MAIN WANT)
1x Neo Raging Storm (MAIN WANT)
1x Spinning Beat (MAIN WANT)
1x Supreme Rising Rage Flash
1x Double Somersault Kick**
1x Friendly Rip
1x Sonic Boom EXTRA
1x Charismatic
1x Sardine's Beach Special

If you have, I would need one Vast Resources Foil and one Red Lotus foil league card for my collection as well.

Cards in which I am interested but would not want to offer lots:
2x High Tide
1x R. Mika (4)
2x Ibuki (1)
2x Ibuki (2)
1x Karin (1) (preferred)
1x Karin (2) (preferred)
1x Leona (1)
1x Leona (2)
2x Luise (2)
1x Morrigan (1)
2x Morrigan (2)
2x Morrigan (3)
1x Seong Mi-Na (1) (preferred)
1x Seong Mi-Na (2) (preferred)
3x Seong Mi-Na (3) (preferred)

Will send you an e-mail aswell.

Please tell me if you think we can get a trade going.

You're doing it again. :"(

Anyway, I actually looked at your Wants again, and it turns out that I have something that you wanted. Along with the Ukyos and Liquid Form, I also have a Gift from a Friend. So now we can actually discuss a real trade. I've been kind of updating my wants with random things as I find them, so there are newer things added from what (should be the last time we talked).

Hi! From your want list, I have:

Blood Runs True x2

Feline Spike x1

Chester's Backing x1

The big thing I need that you have are High Tides. I understand if you don't want to part with four of them, but that's what I need. I'm sure we can work something out. Let me know what you want to do. Thanks!

Thread will be updated soon, probably when I get home tonight.

Spinning Beat
The King of Fighters 2006
High Tide
other assorted items

Blood Runs True x5 <3
Feline Spike

Incoming Set 12 stuff
!x Box Soul Calibur
1x Box Shadowar
Odin's Wrath x2
Mighty Knee Strike x2
Twilight Embrace x2
Wrath of Heaven x2
Siegfried's Earth Divide x2
Double Grounder Beta x2
Crane Strike x2
Two Deadly Rings Technique x2
Paying Respect to Your Ancestors x2
Menuette Dance x2
Raging Gnome

Tower of Remembrance - Spiral of Time x3