The Arena RTL

By Idontunderstand, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Last night we played the arena level and a question came about, the skeletons were on high ground and that melee attacks cannot be made on enemies on high ground but one of our heroes has a reach 2 ability is it possible that this hero could have hit the skeletons since the skeletons were gaining a range of 2. We beat this level with no problem but this is just for future reference.

Idontunderstand said:

Last night we played the arena level and a question came about, the skeletons were on high ground and that melee attacks cannot be made on enemies on high ground but one of our heroes has a reach 2 ability is it possible that this hero could have hit the skeletons since the skeletons were gaining a range of 2. We beat this level with no problem but this is just for future reference.

By a strict reading of the level description, no melee attacks means no melee attacks reach or not.

However, I don't think allowing heroes with Reach to attack the skeletons on high ground will break the level.

Our group have had that level twice. We play it as the card says, high-ground figures cannot be attacked by meleeattacks. The last time we had the dungeon Hawthorn(with the reach ability) was part of the heroteam, even so we didnt allow him to attack the figures at higher ground.