Marvel’s Events after The Empire Strikes Back

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in X-Wing Off-Topic

I have rather high hopes for this series.

It happens at a wonderful time for The Empire.

'Vader' and it's contemporaries after A New Hope were pretty good, so I'll be interested to see what they do.

I wonder if we'll see Manny Both-Hanz again....



The "Padmé" from Darth Vader (2020) is confirmed as I had guessed to be Sabé*; her and Vader will team-up to uncover Padmé's secrets as a sort of spiritual sequel to the Queen's Shadow novel epilogue.

(*Sabé would have been my pick for Rey’s grandmother if Forced into the Episode 9 storyline we got.)


Star Wars #7 (2020) pits Princess Leia vs Commander Zahra of the ISD Tarkin's Will as Grand Moff Tarkin's shadow looms over them; with Zahra harboring intense hatred of her. Variant cover by Aaron Kuder.


Poe teaches Rey to fly an X-Wing in Star Wars Adventures 31 which takes place in between the events of TLJ and TRoS.

3 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Ark Angel III?


We need more info, but it's shape make it more doable in X-Wing TMG...


I'm the minority for sure.. but I want to know what happens post sequel trilogy. Honestly, it is perfect for an RPG. The first order conceivably still exists. Nowhere near a major power, but the new republic fell apart with planets falling to self governing - even before the government was vaporized.

The fallout of the sequels leaves a perfect tapestry for a setting; no major political parties that span a galaxy. Independent planets. Criminals likely thriving in the power vacuum. Star Wars has become an unknown.

on one hand I want the post sequel stories, because I likes the sequels, and want to see what happens, but as the former ever GM.. man.. the freedom of not having ANYTHING Written is glorious, and part of me hopes we never get it.

Say what you will about the sequels, actually Please don't, but they set things up beautifully for all kinds of stories to tell, and I want to tell them.