Rules question: Tie break ?

By Hunter42, in Cosmic Encounter

Just one short question. I drew the special encounter card in the beginning of the game, that say: Pick the world with the most foreign colonys. Due to the fact, that there are no foreign colonies yet, I have to "break the tie to the left" ? What does that mean ?

Who is the player I have to attack in case there are NO foreign colonies ? Is it the player to my left ? And if so, whih colony may I attack ?

Who is the player I have to attack in case there are two players with the same number of foreign colonies ?

Just for clarification....



If I'm to understand your question, the person to your left becomes the defense if there is:

A. Players have no outside colonies (i.e. multiple colonies established on planets)

B. OR, if there are outside colonies and their totals equal to the same total, then the person to your left becomes the defense.

I hope this helped.

Breaking a tie "to the left" would mean (to me) that whoever is to come next in the turn order would be the decision (since play passes to the left). So if (in your example) no one has a foreign colony, then everyone is tied at 0 and whoever comes next out of all of them would be the one chosen (since this tie includes everyone else, it would be the guy sitting next to you).

I agree, and to state it in yet another way:

Take the set of people who are tied for the special destiny criteria. Starting on your left and going clockwise, locate the first person in your set of tied players. That person is now the defense.

It's the same as the rule for players going in as allies, really. Starting on the attacker's left, and going clockwise, invited allies (the set of people invited) choose which side (or no side) to go on, and with how many ships. Only with the special destiny, you stop at the first person in your set instead of continuing around the table.

Thx all.

I thin i agree to robertdg, it sounds just too reasonable :-)
