Alright my friends and I were just playing a gameof War of the Ring a few hours ago and ended up getting into an arguement.
The Fellowship was in Rivendell and their movement marker was on ten. The Freepeoples player declared the Fellowship in Morder, but because Durin's Bane was in play I assumed they must have passed though Moria since thats the only way to reach Morder in ten moves and attempted to play it. The Freepeople player than proceded to argue that since he was declaring his position rather than having it revealed though the hunt he didn't had to show the path he took and as such Durin's Bane couldn't be used.
Now we continued to argue and looked in the rulebook for rules for moving the fellowship and he than said the rules were to vague. Now I'm almost absolutely sure that when declaring the fellowship their exact path must be revealed shown.
So what would have happened in this situation?