Question for other AOR GMs: besides the Duty mechanic and Contribution threshold rewards , how do you handle your players getting the resources / opportunities to acquire new gear?
This applies from mundane stuff (backpacks, frags, reloads) to major items (weapon / armor / starship attachments, high price weaponry, etc). The galaxy of sourcebooks and supplements provides a deep pool of cool gear that players would want. But how do rebel players - who don't get "paid for the job" like 'Edge crews - get the credits to even try a roll to find an item on their wishlist? Or get the credits to pay for a modification to an attachment that they somehow acquire. The "feel" of an AOR campaign is that of a ragtag insurgency cobbling together what they can to fight the Empire. BUT, we see rebel / resistance troops in movies, TV shows, etc that are uniformly equipped and armed.
(1) Do you establish a "per diem" that they get paid by the Rebellion by session or mission, allowing them to purchase equipment on the open market? If so, what is that pay scale? Does it increase as the characters go up in Contribution ?
(2) Do you allow them to "sign out" equipment from a base or starship quartermaster / supply room / arms room? If so, how is that limited? (rarity, cost, do they have to return it)
(3) Of course, I recognize the "loot the stormtroopers for their stuff" option, ala a certain fantasy RPG that's been around for decades, but that limits them to Imperial gear.
(4) other options ?
Edited by Khyrith