Saw it tonight.
Basically every leak I read a month ago was spot on so nothing really surprised me in terms of stupidity. But oh man was it stupid. They basically doubled down on the stupid from the first 2 which is impressive considering.
I liked the scene between Han and Ben, had a nice feel to it. I stepped out to refill my drink in the middle of the fight when Leia died so I dunno how that went down in terms of emotion.
I laughed out load a number of times, just offhand:
- Rey throwing wood onto the burning ship
- Snap getting blown up
- Palpy shocking the whole fleet
- Rey's avatar moment
- Hux dying
Other things I found amusing:
- Rose being a non character basically
- Pryde was hyped up as something special and was nothing
- Final Order
- Chewie death fake out
The run time was basically half justifying past plot points and half erasing TLJ ones which is also amusing. I didn't dislike this one, I'd rather watch it again than even consider watching TLJ again.
The dagger is the stupidest macguffin though. It must have been created after Endor by the Emperor or a minion so why did that alien even have it. Particularly since he knew how to get to Exegol already or at least that's what the droid said.
There will be more as remember it but overall I'm frustrated that there are these tidbits of good in the trilogy but they went three for three on ******* and made maybe 30 minutes of decent content.
Fire whoever writes dialogue.
The planet blowing up was good though, best explosion since RO.
Weren't the knights of Ren also part of lukes temple so why didn't they have lightsabers?
Edited by McFoy