The Rise of Skywalker Criticism Thread *SPOILERS*

By Odanan, in X-Wing Off-Topic

On 3/5/2020 at 9:49 AM, Larky Bobble said:

Watched it with my 7 year old daughter. She loved it and TF droids are her favourite aspect of all the movies.

So by your logic I should say that Lucas succeeded!


I had to share this.

On 5/28/2020 at 5:08 AM, Managarmr said:

That was apart from a crapload of other points (Ridiculous starting point for the story, ridculously stupid McGuffin hunt, which is contradicting itself; Palpatine acting like an clueless idiot, waste of old characters, meaningless new characters, stupid JJ cameo - of course - being the Deu ex machina saving the day; Disney magic superglue glueing the mask, where there is no way to ever got it back from an exploded Superdreadnought, only to wear like 2 minutes, what a waste fo time which could have been used for better pacing elsewhere; pacing, camera angles, no sense of any physics, military tactics, time or space, contradicting lore) my main issue with TRoS:

There are 2 messages/"meanings"

-Sacrifice is not real

Chewbacca dies, Rey learns a very important lesson. Oh right, some 2 minutes later. He was on another transport.
Zorii Bliss sacrifies for Poe her ONLY chance to get out of Kijimi. She and the whole planet gets blown up. Oh right, later she mysteriously and
unexplained got off the planet, in time, nonetheless together with Babu Frik.
C3PO sacrifies everything by giving up his whole identity and memory - basically he dies. Only to be backuped later.
Is this some frikking videogame, where you just reload or respawn - what is the MESSAGE here? Sacrifices should mean SOMETHING. Totally worthless cinema.

Apart from the whole starting point of TRoS undoing Luke's and Vader's sacrifices in RoTJ!

-The main message of this film:

What were Star Wars films about:

The OT: control yourself. Sacrifices. Love is stronger than hate. etc.
TLJ: Failure is there to teach you, stand up again! And: Anyone can rise to

TRoS: You have to be born into the right family. If you are so lucky, then, and only then, you are destined for greatness. Genetics are everything.
Everything is destined beforehand.

Is this what you want to teach our children???

JJ was subverting your expectations of sacrifices mattering. This is adult cinema; grow up, haters.

I like The Rise of Skywalker

I like The Last Jedi

I like The Force Awakens

I like Rogue One

I even think Solo was all right

and all of them, every single one was way better than the prequels, though that bar is as low as it can be. So I'd even say all those movies are good movies, even with all their flaws.


On 6/5/2020 at 4:17 PM, McFoy said:

Recently, I re-watched all of the SW movies in a few days with the wife. Dang, The Last Jedi is really bad. And somehow, The Rise of Skywalker managed to be much, much worse.

Edited by Odanan

A Critique of the Sequels. Mauler nails again.


12 hours ago, FTS Gecko said:




1 hour ago, Odanan said:


Yep. Merciless, and comprehensive, funny and accurate. Obviously he's found his niche.


FOUR HOURS. And it's part THREE. And he's still only on The Force Awakens! 😂

I appreciate the effort, but I wouldn't even want to spend 4 minutes watching a video about the ST, let alone +4 hours.

1 hour ago, Jo Jo said:

I appreciate the effort, but I wouldn't even want to spend 4 minutes watching a video about the ST, let alone +4 hours.

He gives great insights about storytelling, script writing and film making. It worths the time.

I wouldn't watch twelve hours of commentary (assuming parts one and two are similar length) of a film I LOVED.


7 hours ago, Odanan said:

He gives great insights about storytelling, script writing and film making. It worths the time.

Is he critiquing a space opera, or defending his ******* thesis?

58 minutes ago, kris40k said:

Is he critiquing a space opera, or defending his ******* thesis?

Both, I think.

Seriously, the first part is roughly 2 1/2 hours long and the first 40 minutes or so half is outlining his methodology and criticising other YouTube content creators. He basically makes it through the title crawl and Poe's capture and that's it.

Edited by FTS Gecko

Nerd Rage is profitable on youtube. I always hate it when I watch a few Star Wars videos, and then the algorithm starts posting a bunch of hate videos on my feed. Has been ever since Red Letter Media.

Finally made myself watch it during the height of Covid. My wife summed it up.

"That was a really bad movie. Had I known nothing about star wars and saw this... I would have no idea what is going on. Even still, I don't know whats going on."

2 Hours of my life I will never get back.

"You can go about your business. Move along, move along."

1 hour ago, Cr0aker said:

2 Hours of my life I will never get back.

Dead, the sequels are. Mhm. Forget them, you must. Yes. Forget them. Forever.

On 3/6/2020 at 11:04 PM, kris40k said:

Surely that should be "Rogering Intensifies"?

So finally caught it. I give it a solid 5 out of 10 stars.... Things i didn't like..

A) the maguffin (the sith pyramid thinggy)

B) Rey being a palpaltine.

C) The horse charge on the ISD

D) Finn's reluctance to say "I love you rey"..

Things i liked

The space combat

the 'lets share lightsabers thing, between rey and kylo...

Honestly after reviewing all three movies the only thing I have to say to LucasFilm/Disney is what Spock said to McCoy in the episode I Mudd

I find your arguments strewn with gaping defects in logic.

The sequels were looking really promising right up until Rey and Finn found the Falcon in a junkyard on Jakku.

I mean, there were still plenty of issues, but that was the point they started going off the rails...

4 hours ago, FTS Gecko said:

The sequels were looking really promising right up until Rey and Finn found the Falcon in a junkyard on Jakku.

I mean, there were still plenty of issues, but that was the point they started going off the rails...

You got a lot further with the optimism than I did. My optimism was well and truly crushed watching the first trailer. Not that there was much left after they hired JJ.

12 minutes ago, Frimmel said:

You got a lot further with the optimism than I did. My optimism was well and truly crushed watching the first trailer. Not that there was much left after they hired JJ.

See, I quite liked the trailer. I remember catching it in the theatre during a showing of Spectre, and literally being unable to breathe the nostalgia hit so hard.

But yeah, the feels didn't last long.

4 hours ago, FTS Gecko said:

The sequels were looking really promising right up until Rey and Finn found the Falcon in a junkyard on Jakku.

Personally I feel like the cracks start to show right in the opening crawl of episode 7. That crawl pretty much guarantees that there won't be a satisfying explanation of how the universe got to where it is now which is pretty important considering what this movie is trying to follow.

That's not to say I don't see where you're coming from. The stuff with Rey alone on Jaku is actually quite compelling, as is the early stuff with Finn and Poe, Kylo's raid, the escape from the Star Destroyer and all that. Once the Falcon shows up though, it does turn into plot convenience the movie. Everyone and everything just kinda show up exactly when they need to for the plot to keep moving.

I've enjoyed maulers critiques quite a bit. He winds up repeating some sections in a way but it's always to setup or support the current portion he's looking at. I can also appreciate how he offers neat-picks and the praise where appropriate. And his fixes are pretty reasonable.

My biggest let down I think to this day and maybe always will be that the ship design and world building is just not distinctive for the era. It's just the other OT, with a facelift and Botox. It's one bad thing to rehash your old plots, but it's even worse when it feels like your on the same planets you were before with the same cultures and same tech and all that.